Grandmother Moon in all her Fullness comes glowing forth on February 22nd at the axis of Virgo the Virgin and Pisces the Dreamer. She brings illumination and heralds a sweet surrender to what is, the perfection in the imperfection. A shift in perception…

From Sarah Varcas
“Occurring as Jupiter retrogrades across the solar eclipse degree from 13th September 2015, this Moon illuminates in fullness events of the past five months, their complex tapestry woven through our lives in ways that may have been hidden up to now.

Life, in all its often hectic confusion, can sometimes feel like a million individual plates we must keep spinning simultaneously or risk unbounded chaos, when in fact its disparate parts are simply many faces of the One that animates our being.

We are one life, all of us. What happens outside and around us occurs also within…