Bonnie and Clyde : Ambush Chart

March 28, 2021 at 6:27 am | Posted in 5th Harmonic, Astrology, BadDays, biseptile, Death Chart, Events, FamousPeople, Golden Yod, Higher Order Aspects, Mass Murderers, Murderers, Mystic Rectangle, Patterns, septile, Septile Learning Triangle, septile-T, septiles, Special Days, Star of David, triseptile | 4 Comments
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[This article is LONG, “tl;dr” for most of you. But, some of you might like it.]

Whether or not I will perform another analysis on this topic (of Bonnie and Clyde, the ambush, and related personalities) is an open question. Sometimes even with an intent to continue, work remains unfinished.
In this entry, we will explore some basics about the death chart for “Bonnie and Clyde,” meaning Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, bank robbers in the early 1930’s ambushed on May 23, 1934 somewhere near Arcadia, Louisiana or Gibsland, probably between the two on or near Highway 80.

A Few Notes

I start with several notes.

First, the ambush by six gunmen, “law enforcement,” was led by Frank Hamer.

“[T]he police knew that Bonnie and Clyde didn’t hesitate to shoot their way out of trouble, and had loaded up on guns accordingly. They were ready to kill, and Bonnie and Clyde never fired a shot.” [emphasis added]

Source :

General Comments

I performed a search but could not find support for this statement: “Historically, the family of Frank Hamer, notably his widow, has been litigious / acrimonious regarding any questions of the actions of Frank or the ‘posse’ at the ambush of Bonnie and Clyde.”

In reality, I researched this topic (Bonnie and Clyde) a few years ago and found webpages that said almost exactly the same thing a few years ago. They seem to have disappeared, or the search engines have buried them. Therefore, I do not have the support that I like to have to make such an assertion.

What I CAN assert is this: “The highly publicized shootout brought Hamer the sort of widespread attention he despised. He said he would not attend the proposed Hamer-Gault Hero Day in Austin, and turned down all media offers to share his story of the Bonnie and Clyde investigation with the public.”

Source :

AND, going “out on a limb,” I can assert that, nearly two decades before the ambush, Hamer threatened a state representative: “And so, when [Hamer] came under investigation Hamer used the same tactics to defend himself. In December 1918, Hamer approached State Rep. José T Canales, asking for the name of the ‘[expletive]’ who had accused Hamer and other Rangers of abusing him near Rio Grande City. Hamer warned Canales to stop collecting cases of Ranger abuse, threatening, ‘If you don’t stop that you are going to get hurt.’


AND, according to one source : “the Hamer family were no fans of the classic Arthur Penn movie. I knew that they had been greatly hurt and angered by the unfair and malicious characterization of their father at the expense of romanticizing and glorifying the road killers known as Bonnie and Clyde.”

Source :

The first source seems slightly negative but mostly neutral (law enforcement routinely maintains the “blue wall of silence,” not just Hamer), the second is quite negative (other parts of the source are more negative than the portion I excerpted), and the third is positive, verging on glowing.

Death Sentence by Ambush

As much as I can, I will try to be neutral so that you can decide for yourself. But, to be clear about my own biases, I have long thought that a cover-up happened (even with the open admission of an ambush, a murder by anyone’s standards.) (But I think the same regarding Lincoln, Huey Long, George Patton, and JFK. Frankly, I do not trust the government.)

Consider : “Common aggravating factors include: The defendant laid in wait (waited and ambushed) the victim.” Police do have “limited immunity” and so forth, but in a day and time where Officer Chauvin killed George Floyd by putting a knee on his neck (a dangerous move but arguably one not intended to cause death), if we had cell phone video footage of the B&C ambush, my guess is that we would at least see grand jury hearings come out of it.

Maybe the problem is that the event happened in 1934. And, I am left wondering, just how many people out there would turn back the clock to “the good ole days” given a chance. (Shudder.)

Let us be clear: Bonnie and Clyde were ruthless serial killers who “murdered at least nine police officers and four civilians.” [But, John Douglas, who founded the FBI BAU, would not coin the term “serial killer” for at least four more decades.]

Source :

Three Points

I am not painting Bonnie and Clyde as angels or “folk heroes.” That is not my point. (They were ruthless killers, no doubt about it.) More specifically, I have two points with this article : (1) to explore a REMARKABLE death chart of famous criminals killed by ambush by law enforcement (at least one of the law enforcement had threatened a state representative) and (2) to question the narrative that we have been given, one that is “fuzzy” from the outset.

And, if I had a hidden third point it would be this : to COMMEND officers such as Chief Maris Herold of the Boulder Police Department, as well as the members of her department, who were able to capture a dangerous murderer, a spree killer who had killed ten, without killing the suspect or any further loss of life. Without capture of suspects, our chances of identifying factors that precipitated the killings approach zero, at least any that are based on subsequent interviews or assessments.

AND, “due process” is a critically important pillar in our society. Ambushes on a country road on a spring morning are NOT due process.

OK : Four points!

Jeffrey Dahmer

Before we go any futher, the date here caught my eye. The position of the Sun is REMARKABLY close to that of the Jeffrey Dahmer natal chart (1 Gemini on May 21st). I will not duplicate that chart here or dig into it, presenting links instead. But, consider the possibility that 1 Gemini is malefic.

Death Chart

Similar to the Atlanta Shooter Chart and the Boulder CO Shooter Chart, this is a death chart and it has “the ruler of the eighth in the tenth.” In this case, the eighth house cusp is in Aquarius, and the modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. Uranus is in the tenth house of this chart in Aries. This points out that the first Uranus return of this chart has occurred. Since Uranus is about “surprises” (and ambushes in murders), we consider it to be particularly important here. Maybe the passage of eighty four years, along with the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Botham Jean will give all of us hope that homicidal violence by “police officers” will be halted. Non-lethal means are available for many situations, but, except for tasers, are almost never used. That needs to change.

But, this is a death chart, and “ambush” is emphasized by the role of Uranus.

Edit : Somehow, the first time around, I missed that Uranus in this chart is in the “Anaretic Degree.” The Anaretic Degree indicates “fate” or “karma,” something that can no longer continue. A change must happen. Last year, in 2020, I wrote about this (March 18th through 19th of 2020: Sun in Pisces, Anaretic and Saturn in Capricorn, Anaretic) about the time the “Toilet Paper Panic of 2020” was under way.

[Edit continues: ] As I think about this, both the ambush of B&C as well as Uranus leaving Aries (a bit more than eighty four years ago), I can see the “shift”: Bonnie and Clyde were slightly more modern (automatic weapons) versions of Old West bank robbers in an era where news via telegraphy had given way to broadcast radio and travel by passenger rail was giving way to the early incarnations of automobiles.

[Edit continues: ] Thinking about it, by the time the movie was made and released in 1968, radio was yielding to television, and automobiles had transformed from the Model A into the Mustang and Camaro (among others). Another shift was underway, and we knew it. Many thought the laser would be a weapon (rather than the foundation technology on which fiber optic based broadband), and many of us suspected that the replacement of the vacuum tube by transistor heralded another major shift. With smart phones and the Internet, another one has come to pass as Uranus traversed Aries again, entering Taurus again. The Pandemic has loosely replicated aspects of the Great Depression, and, collectively, we continue to struggle against these circumstances. Is World War III waiting for us?

Rectification and Timing

Timing is in question in this chart. Apparently, the shooters (law enforcement) waited TWO HOURS before any transport of the two people they shot was attempted. Why? Service times by ambulances in urban areas by the late twentieth century that exceeded eleven minutes were considered “long.” Granted, this was rural Northern Louisiana in 1934, but TWO HOURS? What was going on? Were the “lawmen” waiting for the mortally wounded to die a lingering death so that all possibility of testimony in subsequent hearings would be eradicated?

In modern settings, that alone would be murder. In many (most?) jurisdictions, once deadly force has been used, and once the threat has been neutralized (remember, Bonnie and Clyde did not fire even a SINGLE shot!), a duty to render aid becomes in force. (This is not true in ALL jurisdictions.)

See, also :


Rectifying this chart has been difficult. Some reports claim that the ambush was “shortly after sunrise.” While that does put the Sun in the 12th house (of “self-undoing”), it is not a good chart for this. A later time, between 8 AM and 8:30 AM, is better. I call these charts #1 and #2

Another report claimed the ambush started near “9:15 AM.” I do not believe that either. By the time that chart was in play, the ambush was over. I call the 9:15 AM chart “Chart #3.”

A rectified chart for 9:15 AM, putting the time significantly earlier at 8:58, looks right. This is also labeled “Chart #3” though, arguably, this chart is “Chart #4.”

We will explore why chart #4 looks correct in more detail later. For now, this chart has (1) Venus conjunct the Part of Fatality (AND close to the top of the chart, the powerful “MC” position (Midheaven)); (2) Pluto in the 12th house near the ascendant (“angular”); and (3) (if this time is correct) Jupiter (growth, expansion) is on the 4th House Cusp (“IC,” the “bed,” grave, or final resting place) and (4) as mentioned previously, the ruler of the eighth in the tenth.

Here is the chart (in Horary format) filtered for the strongest aspects (most precise):

Sun and Moon (“the Lights“) are both PEREGRINE in this chart. Noel Tyl wrote : “When the Sun or Moon is peregrine, we have a core development issue focus: I like to say that the individual learns very soon in life that he or she is basically untethered.” In this sense, the Sun and Moon are excellent significators for Clyde (Sun) and Bonnie (Moon).

Peregrine planets are usually viewed as “thieves” (Bonnie and Clyde! Robbers!). A more enlightened view argues (as Tyl wrote) they are “untethered,” not quite connected to our culture or world. And that, too, was true of this pair.

Born in a different place and time, they might have lived entirely different lives. But, in the early twentieth century in the south, Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana, their destinies seem fixed, poor whites with little opportunity trapped by the Great Depression in “The South.” They were not Jean Valjean, but their circumstances did affect them.

Peregrine planets, the Lights no less, were their emblems.

Mystic Rectangle, Star of David, Kites, and Grand Trines

Solar Fire failed to find an obvious “Star of David” in this chart, something that disappoints me. It also did not detect a Thor’s Hammer in a recent full moon chart. I know this because Rick Levine of StarIQ did notice that Thor’s Hammer and commented on it. (I like his work.)

This version of the chart is filtered for Grand Trines, but it also shows the Kites and Star of David. For some people, this would have been an amazing opportunity (for things other than ambushes).

The “Star of David” pattern is rare. Winter Solstice of 2012 saw one many hours after perfection of the Solstice, and a few others have manifested since then (but not many). This chart has one, and it brings many planets “together” at the time of this event. Again, we would expect this to be benevolent. Bonnie Elizabeth Parker had written poetry, including a poem mentioning her own death in a manner similar to this.

Is this what she wanted with her short life? The fame has been enduring.

A Star of David (and almost always a Mystic Rectangle) brings Kites (“opportunity”) which, themselves, include Grand Trines. These are all part of the patterns we have discussed so far, so asking the question seems needless. But, “was this [somehow?] benevolent?”

If so, how? (Or, are we reading these patterns completely WRONG?)

Part of the Mystic Rectangle includes Astraea (law and law enforcement) which is opposite Mercury (motor vehicles, among other things).

Note that Jupiter at the 4th House cusp (“the grave”) is part of the MR.

Astraea (law and law enforcement) aspects six (6) objects AND the nodes (fate) and MC.

Mystic Rectangles are rare and generally treated as benevolent though an argument could be made that this one was malefic. Which do you think?

5th Harmonics

This chart has TWO golden yods. Those are rare, rare in the sense that a Mystic Rectangle or Star of David is rare, but this chart has two. We have seen an argument that they can be related to an “abuse of power.” Is this what we see here? One abuse of power by Bonnie and Clyde met by the abuse of power by an ambush by police?

One Golden Yod has Juno at its apex (trust and betrayal) and Sun and South Node (the “negative karma” of repeating the behavior of many lifetimes). (Did Clyde Barrow make a decision that led the pair to their deaths?)

The other has Pluto (death, especially by assassinations, especially by government agents of some kind, particularly “spies” but also police) at the apex and Saturn / Hygeia on one leg and Astraea (law and law enforcement) on the other leg. Law enforcement had a choice, also, at least the Golden Yod hints at that possibility.

7th Harmonics

At least THREE triangular patterns are present here, all built from septile variants. Did these events make any meaningful change in how law enforcement operated? (Given the threat to the state representative, I question that.) What are these 7th Harmonics of fate and karma telling us about POSSIBLE breakthrough thinking that could come from events like these.

Juno forms septile aspects in a triangular pattern with Moon / Vesta on one leg and Venus / Pallas on the other leg.

Again, we think this means that Bonnie Parker had another premonition or insight that her death was near. Was this a trip that she did not want to make, only resigning herself to it after Clyde insisted?

Horary Chart

In all fairness, this timing was picked because it “lit up” the horary indicators. We note that Moon with v/c (“nothing will come of this”) as was true in the 9/11 chart (World Trade Centers in New York City, September 11th of 2001).

We will not dig deeper, leaving that to the reader.

Here is a second horary variant of the chart:

For those who prefer a “karmic” analysis, we note the (tight!) connection between Mercury and the North Node (fate) and the trine between the South Node (also fate, but unfavorable as in repeating “old behavior”), Astraea (law and law enforcement), and the MC.

[Hamer] was officially credited with 53 kills.” While under the color of law, Hamer had killed at least fifty three people, more than three times as many as Bonnie and Clyde. The phrase “officially credited” offers a question: what was his true body count? (Keep in mind his threat to a state representative almost two decades earlier.) Did he have kills outside of those that would be sanctioned? (Such as politicians who would not “play ball”?)

Hamer killed many times, not just in “other lifetimes” but in this one as well.

Hamer was recruited by Lee Simmons. “[P]rison chief Lee Simmons reportedly promised [dying prison guard Joe Crowson] that all persons involved in the breakout would be hunted down and killed. All of them eventually were, except for Methvin, who preserved his life by setting up the ambush of Barrow and Parker.” (Same source.)

What about “due process”?

Then again, these were the times when the “Shawshank Redemption” was set.

(Are these situations any better today?)


Midpoints are “lit up” and numerous here. Particularly noticeable: Pluto is at the midpoint of Moon / Mars. This is arguably another “death chart” indicator. Pluto is also sesquiquadrate both Venus and Pallas. What could that mean? I think that, among other things, some banks may have used robberies by Bonnie and Clyde as a way to cover misdeeds such as embezzlement.

Regardless, the midpoint trees are “lit up.”

Final notes

While we have covered most of the major points in this chart for this event, much remains. Uranus at 29 Aries, can make a case that nothing could have changed these events or this outcome.

Any of the patterns, and certainly the 5th harmonic and 7th harmonic aspects, could be separate entries of their own. Birth charts for Bonnie Parker, Clyde Barrow, Frank Hamer, and the rest could each be separate entries. And what about the Sun being in the same position in this chart as in Jeffrey Dahmer’s?

Unless we come back to these topics and write more, and we will not rule that out, this is likely our final say on the topic. But, others could follow.


  1. WOW, what an article… I couldn’t understand it all, but it was very interesting, maybe Bonnie figured this was her “fate”, it seems like she had no intention of living a “regular life” … so one can do a “death chart” I wondered about that 🙂 .. I am not well versed in the “harmonics” nor in the asteroids… and the old planet rulers confuse me a bit… are they as “powerful” still as the new rulers? Sometimes, I find if I “read” too much into a chart It gets my mind a little muddled… I am amazed at your expertise, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us all… I am with you on the police violence, I am sure folks can be tranquilized instead of being shot… or how about they aim for a knee instead of the head or other vital organs…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think Bonnie knew, also. Sources noted that they “ran late.” I think she had an argument with Clyde, not wanting to go, intuitively knowing not to go, and then caved in and went with him to their deaths.
      That said….
      Skills accumulate with practice over time. With the possible exception of the conjunction, all aspects are harmonics of some kind. An opposition splits the circle in the sky into two pieces (180 degrees apart, 2nd harmonic). Splitting the circle into three pieces (a triangle in the sky) creates trines (3rd harmonic). A planet at each apex of the triangle signals a “grand trine.” (Grandtrines are considered harmonious, usually, and are also a sign of stability.)
      Divide the circle into four pieces (90 degrees each), and you have squares. A planet at each of the four points is a “Grand Cross,” a bit rare and unstable. The Grand Cross either brings everything to a HALT or can spur great action. I have (electively) used such a Grand Cross to great advantage when they were “right.”
      Divide the circle into five parts and you have quintiles (1/5) and biquintiles (2/5). Those tend to be uncommon and a sign of genius or brilliance. Mozart had a number of them in his birth chart (musical genius). So, did Hitler (sadly, an “evil genius”).
      Divide the circle into six pieces and you have sextiles. Divide it into seven pieces and you have septiles (1/7), biseptiles (2/7), and triseptiles (3/7).
      Divide it into eight pieces and you add octiles (45 degrees) and sesquiquadrates (135 degrees = 45 degrees + 90 degrees), both signs of irritability with possible danger if the sesquiquadrates form a Thor’s Hammer.
      More to it than these basics, of course, but this should get you started with “harmonics.”
      Credit where credit is due: I saw Rick Levine (StarIQ : give this explanation of harmonics at UAC’98. He was my source on this way of dividing the circle to obtain harmonics. I was sitting in a room of about fifteen to twenty people when I heard it, a small group. Many amazing ideas came from that UAC, including the birth of Jim Shawvan’s “Opportunity Periods.” (OPs are straight from Lee Lehman’s talk about such; she is a strict traditionalist. As an aside, I was at that presentation, also.)
      Asteroids are a much larger topic as are Arabic Parts & midpoints. I only use six asteroids + Chiron (out of many thousands). Still learning Arabic Parts (151 of those, I’ve heard) and mid-points. Some of these things take a lifetime to learn.
      I am a “modern” (using Uranus, Neptune, & Pluto; asteroids & harmonics) whereas “traditionals” only use the original seven (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn which, by the way, are SUNday, MOONday, Tiu’s Day (Tiu = Mars, Viking version), Woden’s Day (Mercury), Thor’s Day (Jupiter), Freya’s Day (Venus), and Saturnday).
      They make up the difference from how moderns do things with rulerships and a variety of other rules. Best way to learn those is to read Anthony Louis’ “Horary Astrology: Plain and Simple.” By the way, Dr. Louis has a WordPress blog and posts regularly.
      Here is a current article (and interesting one) from Dr. Louis :


    • Tear gas is unpleasant, sometimes painful, but rarely lethal. It has been used effectively by police outside of the United States. ‘
      We need changes in how dangerous situations are handled.


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