Georgia Spa Killings (2021 Atlanta spa shootings) 2021-03-16

March 20, 2021 at 7:19 am | Posted in 2021, Astrology, Astrology 2021, BadDays, Death Chart, Events, Patterns, Special Days, Yod | 4 Comments
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Georgia Spa Killings (2021 Atlanta spa shootings) 2021-03-16

With the advent of a Vernal Equinox dominated by a Thor’s Hammer pattern (which we have discussed many times), and the Mass Murder in Atlanta on March 16th of 2021, we will present a (preliminary) analysis of the events based on the information that we have available.  (However, as of this writing, we have no birth data for the shooter.)

Time of Chart

Most interesting is that the available time information is far more accurate than such data has been in the past.  Assuming that the reports have been truthful (and we have no reason to believe otherwise), we can construct charts for analysis.

Importance of Vesta in this Chart

We note that the Solar Maps United States Map on the Vernal Equinox shows a Pallas line activation of Atlanta although Pallas is not ordinarily malefic.  Our preliminary analysis interpreted the role of Vesta in the Thor’s Hammer as affecting collectives such as police and nurses. 

HOWEVER, Vesta is well known as being symbolic of prostitution and prostitutes, particularly those individuals who engage in the behavior for reasons that are arguably noble. (What does that mean?  Historically, the “Vestal Virgins” sometimes engaged in prostitution to bring in resources for their temples.  At least one news report has made it clear that one of the victims who worked in that trade was a single mother using the money to support her children.)

See. also : USA Today: Hyun Jung Grant, killed in Atlanta shootings, was a ‘loving’ single mom who lived for her sons.

Other Tragedies May Follow

Our work invariably lacks a level of precision that so many in our field seek.  The event occurred on March 16th, ahead of the Vernal Equinox.  We note that (ominously) this could signal “more to come” in terms of tragedies during this period.

Update: (March 23rd of 2021, 1448 CDT Plano TX) This article was written about 48 hours prior to the Boulder, Colorado King Sooper Murders by Al Aliwi Alissa.

Consider the following : 2010 had a particularly malefic Vernal Equinox (see: Vernal Equinox 2010: A Bad Moon a Risin’) We thought that chart signaled the WVA Coal Mine Explosion April 5, 2010, and that we were “done” when that horrific tragedy occurred. But that assumption was wrong. (AND, the WVA Coal Mine Explosion ALSO had a Thor’s Hammer pattern ((“God’s Fist” or “Quadriform”).)   A devastating airplane crash followed that took hundreds of lives.

Both of these were preliminary events, “warmups” if you will, for the main event.  With the entry of the Sun into Taurus (where Hitler’s Sun and Biden’s Moon are located, conjunct at the beginning of the sign), the Deepwater Horizon disaster arrived.

I provide this retrospective to make a point: as heartrending are the deaths from this rampage, something worse could be lurking, something that may not greet us for as far out as April 20th (or a few days beyond).

Yods in the Chart : Important Decisions are Tied to this Event

With that warning in mind, here is the chart based on the data currently available from Wikipedia: “2021 Atlanta spa shootings

The first version of the chart we present is filtered for yods.  Two yods are present, and the eighth house (the “death house”) has a stellium (a cluster of planets which functions as a punctuation mark).  The eighth house (and twelfth and fourth house cusp) often features prominently in death charts.

Death Charts and Water Sign Houses

A bit of a side issue : [Skip this if the “details” do not interest you.]

The implication of these three (water sign) houses in death charts is curious: it implies that people tend to die (or events occur associated with death) especially at three times:

  1. shortly past Sunrise (12th House Sun, quite LITERALLY “The House of the Rising Sun“), especially alcohol, drugs, and institutionalized individuals “discovered” as dead);
  2. in the latter part of the afternoon (8th house Sun), about 4 PM or 5 PM (rush hour! But, the eighth house pattern existed CENTURIES before automobiles), or
  3. some time close to midnight (again, often this is discovery by a night shift nurse and, again, modern hospitals are predated by 4th house cusp issues by centuries).

[Click Image to Open in New Tab]

The Eighth House Stellium

We note that the ruler of the 8th (Neptune) is in the eighth. (The 8th house cusp in this chart is in Pisces where Neptune, Venus, Sun, Chiron, and Ceres are located. the stellium (cluster) of planets making a “statement.”)

Ruler of the Tenth in the Eighth

The ruler of the tenth (Venus ruling a Taurus midheaven) is also in the eighth.  We see the ruler of the 10th House in the 8th, a quality that some have associated with “fame in death,” meaning people who are often otherwise ordinary suddenly become famous as a result of their death.  One article describes charts similar to this (Leo Ascendant, Venus in Pisces in the 8th house and ruler of the 10th) and says this : “As Venus is planet of Service and Devotion, and as it is in the highest dignity, it shows someone who is in service of those people who are going through turmoil in life, like abused women or children.

12th House Ruler Near MC and apply to Conjunction to Uranus

Neptune is also the natural ruler of the 12th house.  In this case, the ruler of the 12th is the Moon, located in the 9th near the midheaven and applying to a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus.  (Unexpected events, typically explosions or electrical problems, but obviously in this case the “surprise” of the ambush by the shooter.)

Yods : Critical Decisions

Two (2) yods are present in this chart, and they both represent a set of critical decisions, two independent sets of critical decisions.

The Yod with Vesta at Apex

One yod is tied to Vesta.  (Yods are about DECISIONS, a fork in the road that often changes the destiny of someone for the remainder of their life.)  Since we have identified that Vesta represents the victims (as a collective), we interpret this Yod as a decision made by one or more of the victims (or potential victims who lived).

Did Someone Call in Sick?

A question immediately arises: did someone “call in sick” on this date, decide to not go into work (and that saved their life)?  Did someone else decide to go into work to “cover,” resulting in loss of life?  An important decision of some kind was in play here for the victims.  While the 8th house stellium seems “fated,” the yods hint that choices were available (even if they seemed trivial at the time though, in reality, “life or death”).

Edgar Cayce and the Elevator : “I’ll Take the Next One”

One way to understand this particular yod in this particular situation involves an old story about Edgar Cayce that has circulated for many years (and may, or may not, be true): Edgar Cayce once had an elevator door open in front of him.  Cayce was well known for his ability to see someone’s “aura.”  As he looked into the crowded elevator, almost no one had an aura of any kind (or they were black, dark, and fading quickly).  Cayce declined the invitation, and the elevator malfunctioned after the doors closed.  Everyone on the elevator plunged to their death.

We suspect someone “called in sick” to their work at the spa on this date.  If so, that decision saved their life.  Conversely, someone else may have decided to “go in” to make “a little extra money.”  That decision, under these circumstances, cost them their lives.

Karma: Did the Group Make a Sacrifice at a Karmic Level to Make an Important Statement?

I tend to dislike analyses that use “karma” to “explain” things because “karma” can explain anything and support any viewpoint.  But, in this case, an argument can be made that this group of victims, at a karmic level, chose to make this sacrifice to make an important point : changes need to be made.  What changes?  That is an open question.

The Yod with Hygeia at Apex

Another yod has Hygeia (“health and healthcare”) at the apex.  Did something “go wrong” in the shooter’s recent “treatment”?  (He had recently been in “treatment” for sex addiction.  Did it fail?  What went wrong?  What important decisions were in play? Did someone in the treatment setting make a decision in the treatment of the shooter that precipitated this tragedy?  If so, what changes need to be made regarding such treatment?)

Some “counselors” are ABUSIVE to their clients in the name of so-called “treatment.”  If that happened here, setting in motions these events, then that needs to COME OUT!

Except for a Square Key, other patterns are unremarkable or absent, as is true for both 5th Harmonics and 7th Harmonics.  None of this was about brilliant insights or “learning” through Karma leading to breakthrough insights EXCEPT the Square Key.  The Square Key will not produce brilliant insights, but it does contain the potential for “lessons learned” and a need for changes.

But, what changes?  Is this a hate crime?  That is being debated.  Is this really about addiction?  What about the people working in these settings?  What can be done for them?  Should we decriminalize prostitution?  Or would that “make things worse,” as some have claimed.

Again, “what changes”?

The Square Key : Lessons to be Learned

Here is the Square Key version of the chart:

[Click Image to Open in New Tab]

While almost NONE of the Square Key involves the 8th house planets (death, and the MANY people who died), VESTA is HIGHLY ACTIVATED! (Yet another punctuation mark!)

A Shift in Mindset is Required

The question faces us again, pounding us: “what changes”?  My guess is that barking about “identity politics” and “gun control” will NOT solve the problem or address the underlying issues. A shift in mind set is almost certainly required, and the application of the Moon to Uranus near MC suggests that as well.

Mental Health, Sex Workers, and Similar Core Issues

How we think about mental health, how we address sex workers and the sex trade, and issues that none of us may have considered (yet!) are closer to the heart of the issue.  If we buy into the distractions, if we buy into the “head fake,” then the lessons will repeat.

The Horary Chart : What Question is this Event Asking?

Last, we present the horary version of the chart, as if we “asked a question” at the time.  Oddly, this is a bit like an astrology version of “Jeopardy” : what is the question here?  (We present the horary version of the event and then WORK BACKWARDS to the question.)

[Click Image to Open in New Tab]

Without digging deep into the horary version of the chart, we note that Astraea (law and justice) was opposite the Part of Fatality.  This begs a different question: what role did law enforcement (and our criminal justice system) play in the deaths of the victims here?

We receive a strong “hint” here to look at the legal system and how it interacts with members of the sex trade economy.

Many questions remain open.  Maybe the time to ask them has arrived.

Many remain to be identified, a shift in mindset required.

Until then, the “House of the Rising Sun” will remain the “ruin of many a poor” person.


  1. […] our post about the Georgia Spa Killings of March 16, 2021, we stated in reference to the Thor’s Hammer (God’s Fist) pattern in the Vernal Equinox […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Georgia Spa Killings March 16th  […]

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  3. […] shows in a number of charts (this is an update/ edit done March 25th of 2021; the Vernal Equinox, Atlanta Shooter, and Boulder Shooter events (and the Boulder Shooter Natal Chart) have happened; all had Vesta as […]

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  4. […] to the Atlanta Shooter Chart and the Boulder CO Shooter Chart, this is a death chart and it has “the ruler of the eighth in […]

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