Tuesday February 2nd 2016 (W06) Groundhog Day

February 1, 2016 at 11:42 pm | Posted in 2016, Astrology, Predictions | 4 Comments
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Tuesday February 2nd 2016 (W06) Groundhog Day

This is an oddly annoying day in which we are not entirely certain what is wrong.  Multiple high order Hygeia aspects tells us we must focus on health and healthcare.  Unlike days with Chiron aspects, this is specifically health and healthcare without educational issues as an alternative.

Actually, Chiron does semi-square Pallas in the early morning hours, so education COULD be involved (but in a minor way if at all).  The semi-square gives us a sense of urgency as we search the house for the glasses that are in our shirt pocker.  If you can, avoid being caught in the fray and stay to the side watching the show.

Noting that this is “Groundhog Day,” we predict a sense of disappointment pervades the air.

We have a day with a void Moon in Scorpio (during the morning hours that the Groundhog will, or will not, see his shadow) that slips into Sagittarius during the morning hours and is influenced by the subtle of higher order aspects described.  We are probably still processing the events of yesterday as we inquire as to whether or not the Groundhog saw his shadow.  Take today off it you can, otherwise stick to routine and followup and what you were working on yesterday until at least some time past noon (U.S.) or 6 PM (UK/EU).

We also encourage you to read yesterday’s forecast (which covers some outer planet aspects that are still in effect today.


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  4. […] Uranus conjunct Vesta (a followup from Monday).  Mars Semisquare Hygeia brings in issues from Tuesday and give them a powerful sense of urgency.  But, the moon is void for most of the workday, and we […]

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