Vernal Equinox 2010: A Bad Moon a Risin’

March 15, 2010 at 12:36 pm | Posted in Astrology, BadDays, Predictions, Weekends | 29 Comments
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Algol and the 2010 Spring Equinox

[If you are looking for the 2012 Spring Equinox click here.]

We usually think as the start of Spring as a happy time, and Friday Saturday March 20th of 2010 will certainly mark a turning point.  Perhaps the most important point in this particular equinox is the Moon at 26 degrees of Taurus.  That is where the star Algol (“The Ghoul”) is located.  Generally, Algol is considered “unfavorable” or “malefic.”

We do not usually think of a “ghoul” as being the icon of the First Day of Spring.  Of course, if your thing is casting spells, this might be an especially powerful time for you.  I might add, the rest of this article is not about landscaping and gardening.  However, if you do participate in rituals and celebrations, you might choose add an extra measure of care this year the Friday night before the Equinox, lest March be the cruelest month (instead of April).

Most astrologers would say Algol is the most malefic of stars since it is associated with murders, serial killers, and beheadings. Especially beheadings.  Reputedly, “Saddam Hussein [had] Mercury on Algol (torture lover), [and]  Richard Speck, murder[er] of 8 nurses had Pluto on Algol.”

Algol is a bad dude, and Moon for the equinox is conjunct it.  For beginners reading this, the Moon is supposed to be both our innermost self and the part of us that is nurtured and can nurture.  The Moon is the most comfortable place in our home, and it is our final resting place (grave).  Algol has alternatively been called the head of the demon, Satan, and the Medusa’s Head.  The moniker of “Medusa’s Head” comes from Ancient Greece. The severed head of Medusa destroyed anything its gaze fell upon.

The Moon conjunct Algol is like your mother, sister, daughter, or best female friend falling in love with the worst possible person imaginable.  Your mom + Charles Manson doing LSD together and planning something really scary.

Solar Fire 7.22 Chart of Vernal Equinox 2010 (March 20th)

Solar Fire 7.22 Chart of Vernal Equinox 2010 (March 20th), Annotated

Some people have had very bad experiences with Algol.

I do not know what Moon on Algol will mean for us, but here are some possibilities:

  • The war in Iraq gets worse instead of better, with some of the worst / bloodiest / most tragic battles or events of the war.
  • More mass killings by terrorists
  • Possible expose’ of one or more serial killers of large proportions (over 20, and probably over 50 killings)
  • And more: death by “beheading, hanging, choking, asphyxiation, electrocution, murder, [and] mob violence.”

Certain kinds of other events may occur:

  • Landmark movies about the kind of events described above.  (Consider, already, the winner of the Oscars: “The Hurt Locker.”)
  • An unanticipated event involving Mick Jagger (reputed to have Moon on Algol, so this is a sort of “return” for him)
  • A romantic event, perhaps peculiar, for Prince William (reputed to have Venus on Algol)

And, that’s the GOOD news!  (Just kidding.  That’s the worst part.)

To be expected: typical news articles like this one from CNN, the Lindsay Lohan Muse Photoshoot Video (notice how it tends to be dark and distrubing), child star Amanda Bynes posing for Maxim in lingerie, and the NY Times Article “Drug Slayings in Mexico Rock U.S. Consulate.”  These are probably the beginning of a long chain.  And, as disturbing as this is, we might have another event similar to the Virginia Tech slayings.

This is enoug h by itself; the rest of the equinox is for other articles.  If you want, or need, a more detailed analysis, try this one.

Shameless Solicitation of a Vote: pimp it

I have included, below, a “Solar Maps” map of places in the U.S., Mexico, and Southern Canada with annotations indicating which geographical areas (in this region) will be affected the most:

Annotated Map of U.S., Mexico, & Southern Canada re: Vernal Equinox 2010

Annotated Map of U.S., Mexico, & Southern Canada re: Vernal Equinox 2010


  1. Very informative post, and thanks for the link! Jude


    • You did a very detailed analysis, and I like the concept of your blog.


    • By the way, looks like a Uranus line is rather close to Atlanta….


  2. it will be interesting to see what comes of MO conjunct Algol. Some side/nation will be on a winning streak with the Aries SU trining Leo MA! And perhaps, an interesting development with UR sextiling MO/Algol?


    • All good points. I considered Moon CNJ Algol to be so important that I did not want to dilute the message.

      But, the mutual reception Sun (Aries) TRI Mars (Leo) deserves its own article, as does the impending Transit of Uranus into Aries (and I do plan to write about that “soon”). Also, it is not just Sun / Mars, but Sun / Mars / Saturn. Anyone know the name of this particular pattern? It looks like a Huber variant. (Sun-Saturn opposition, Sun-Mars trine, and Saturn Mars Sextile. Also looks similar to the Horary concept of “translating light.”)

      I also want to take this moment to say that I focused on the “low forms” of these aspects, and the “high forms” deserve a word as well.

      This entire chart has a very “athletic” feel to it, and the Return of Tiger Woods to Golf notably coincides with it (but not necessarily the Moon in Algol). I will not speculate on the outcome due to the Uranus in Pisces “flavoring” of this event. (Uranus in Pisces = “more will be revealed”)

      Generally, the atmosphere is one that supports exercise and physical activity in general, but warns of caution as well. Uranus is “surprises,” and Uranian energy can include surprising ourselves with our own transformations. (But, again, caution!)

      One other point: the Solar Map (click to enlarge) has a Uranus / Pluto crossing close to Cuba.


  3. to be sure, there is that ‘athletic’ energy. But, I also feel an undercurrent of crazy female on the rampage, or steaks of womanly madness – which may come as an awful shock. Hopefully not female suicide bombers, or other insane Sedna doings. It’s been a long time since I have worried over an Ingress Chart


    • Currently, TransNeptunians / Kuiper Belt objects are not of the ongoing analysis published at this site. The focus, here, is upon the basics. That means traditional aspects and patterns. If the analysis is expanded, it will probably include more patterns ala Huber and more midpoint analysis. Higher order harmonics (quintiles, septiles, and noviles) are also a possibility. But, for now, the focus is on the basics.

      That said, you might have something with the idea of female rampage. After all, the Moon is the penultimate female planet. But the Horary camp would argue that the Moon represents us all. To some degree, the analysis done here embraces those kinds of concepts (and “Via Combusta,” “Asc near Sign Change Boundary,” “Moon v/c” (both Lilly and Modern) and a few other techniques). The analysis here does just that: the Moon as it applies to each of us individually, as we progress through the individual world that we have mutually co-created with the remainder of the Universe. But, you have a good point. Write an article about it.


  4. One reader pointed out that the story had Medusa’s gaze “precisely” backwards. When the article was being drafted, one consideration was “Would someone make such a comment?” Consider that Medusa’s gender was also inverted from the traditional myth into a new version of the metaphor.

    Caput Algol (Medusa) is at 26 degrees Taurus. One icon of Taurus is a monolithic slab of granite. Medusa’s gaze, or visage, turned people to stone. Neither is an accident. The implication is that rigidity, maybe too much “precision,” is the source of the problem. Sometimes we benefit from a certain amount of flexibility and ambiguity. Wordplay could not exist without that same interplay of flexibility and ambiguity.The inversion of visage to gaze and gender of male to female was done to expand the concept of this metaphor, especially if someone made the comment.
    Besides, a female “Charles Manson doing acid” didn’t seem to have the same bite.


  5. […] 2010 Spring Equinox UK & Europe March 18, 2010 at 12:32 pm | In Astrology, Predictions | Leave a Comment Tags: England, equinox, Europe, France, Solar Map, Spain, UK, vernal equinox [You heard it here, first: this blog entry is not finished and will not be finished until early Friday morning. Also, just in case you are looking for it the Algol Post (Aka the Bad Moon Arisin' post or Alghoul) is here.] […]


  6. […] that the Moon becomes the most important object in the sky, hence the earlier article about the Algol Moon.  (In an odd way, this is a wee bit like a Solar […]


  7. Female suicide bombers were Chechen separatists! The carnage today could have been a lot worse, given it was rush-hour on the Moscow metro.


    • I thought about the aspects, too. I wonder if they timed this per the Full Moon tonight? (I am about to write an article on that.) Combine that with the energy of the Double Yod Key of March 30th that has a Mercury / Mars square that perfects in about a week….


  8. […] they will be major decisions following this Full Moon.  Given the equinox this year with a precise Moon Conjunct Algol, other similar events may plague us this year.  Focused Yods (fairly common) and Quintile Kites […]


  9. Looking at your Solar Map, for the Ingress Chart, I live in Edmonton which has NE exactly on MC next to Chiron. Maybe the next bit of “OMG”, will come with the squaring of MO to the MC on 19-20th April,and affecting Alberta, or Salt Lake City, or Phoenix. Also with ME stationary retrograde, I shall expect media-grabbing headlines over bio-hazard or poisonous chemicals escaping, and more scandals which continue to blow the lid off the religious establishment. Wonder if I should also be factoring in June’s Lunar Eclipse, which does not augur well on the mundane prediction chart?


    • Please do take a look at the Lunar Eclipse. That is the power of blogs: we can collaborate. I look at my locality, too. Obviously that is a bit “personal,” but whatever affects the astrologer affects the prediction. We are NOT neutral observers; so, more than one viewpoint, especially from more than one locality, produces a more complete picture of the events.

      Also, I missed this: the Neptune line over the East Coast (on the March 29th Full Moon) I took to be corruption (or religion) as well. I missed the obvious: floods.


      • I shall look at the Lunar Eclipse. Still amazed at some screwy women to be found out there: e.g.yesterday, a 43 year old female went on a campaign in Calgary, with intent to harm, actively contaminating lots of foodstuffs in several supermarkets. And now police think there are others copy-cating her!


      • My experiences confirm the same. People generally seem to be acting in accord with the current aspects. (At least the people I have encountered.) In a way, these are fruitful times for astrologers. Much to talk & write about.


  10. […] Square Mars. Each will bring a culmination of events launch earlier, many starting on the recent Equinox and/or Full Moon.  However, this is not the end of story.  Mercury retrograde will force us to […]


  11. […] to join Pluto (among other things, “Underworld” activities).  Note, also, that Algol (described earlier in the Equinox post) is precisely MC (Midheaven Chart, to non-astrologers: one of the two STRONGEST places a planet or […]


  12. such a dreadful tragedy and too awful to predict. The morning’s news that a plane load of Poland’s elite leaders and war veteran’s on their way to Catholic Mass to honour their dead massacred by Soviets 70 years ago, killed themselves in air accident at very site. As well Russian avalanche kills foreign snowboarders landing in a helicopter.
    Katyn 1940 – Bad Karma for Russia and those who go there.


    • We have had so many cataclysmic events lately that I decided to stop trying to analyze them for a bit. Locally, we had a man ignite an explosion that leveled his own house as he put a bullet in his head. The story was profound, but it did not even make a blip on national news, presumably because so much else is happening.

      To be sure, something is always happening in the news, but recent events seem particularly ‘explosive.’ Texas Stadium, home of the Cowboys for many decades, was demolished by explosives this morning. Many, including myself, cannot remember a time when we did NOT have Texas Stadium. See, also, Wikipedia entry.

      re: the Airplane crash and that site: geographically, some sites have a certain kind of energy. THAT is why I am so interested in the maps. I’ve seen certain areas repeat certain kinds of events too many times.

      Anniversary of VA Tech Massacre is upcoming; that had powerful Uranian activity.

      I am seriously tempted to write an article titled “Why April really *IS* the cruelest month.”


  13. how right you were to use the word “explosive”. Mercury stationary was my concern for media-grabbing headlines (see post 30th March)of bio-hazard chemicals escaping. Volcanic ash bringing half the world to a standstill, was more than you or I could possibly forsee. Is it time for you and I to retreat into philosophy, rather than attempting to predict the future, for which no one likes us for anyway? My astrologer friend Faye Cossar, has collected lots of data on global business stuff with confrontational aspects of Ceres especially to Pluto – so Ceres is worth plotting into our calculations for mundane!


    • [Note to readers: this thread was accidentally started here instead of Aries New Moon April 2010, which is expected during a Mercury Rx Station]

      This is a common problem, as you probably already know, with astrology and astrologers. That is, we get the energy right, but we do not quite nail the event (which does contain the energy, but in a different manifestation). Worthy of note here is that we have been speaking of earthquakes, explosions, airlines, and underground activities (mines) previously. Now we have an event (a volcanic eruption that halts a large portion of air traffic) that effectively combines all three. So, yes, we got the energy right but were unable to predict the particular manifestation.

      Even Solar Maps probably would not have been helpful because generally the lines of Solar Maps tend to converge in an area such as Iceland (regions near either pole). I suppose one could argue that since these energies were (and ARE!!) converging, that looking at places where the lines converge is important. If so, maybe the guys predicting a polar shift or something similar are possibly onto something.

      The Ceres / Pluto conflict sounds interesting. Usually my analysis of Ceres focuses on diet, food supplies, etc. (Ceres = the “grain goddess,” right?)

      At least I nailed the “romantic event” for Prince William. 🙂


  14. […] (only a degree away from the Algol point) is sesquiquadrate the Retrograde Saturn (overdue tribulations). Moon squares both Chiron […]


  15. […] The 2011 Vernal Equinox presages a year of accidents and innovations. The Tokyo earthquake of 03-11-11 was the herald of some of the excitement, but expect a year of innovation as well. Governmental strife such as that of Libya and Egypt will be typical as well. Sun Conjunct Uranus at the time of the Vernal Equinox tells us this. Still, this chart looks better than last spring. […]


  16. […] it was at 25 Taurus.  And, the orb for a New Moon is typically 5 degrees.) We have discussed a Moon / Algol activation elsewhere, and it began a period of time characterized by a coal mine disaster, large loss of life in an […]


  17. […] which is the astrological New Year and sets the tone for the remainder of the year.  Compare: the Vernal Equinox of 2010 which preceded a series of disasters including the WVA Mine Explosion and the Deepwater Horizon. […]


  18. […] Moon emphasized.  We note that this NM is exactly conjunct Algol, as happened with the moon at the Vernal Equinox of 2010.  That heralded a series of disasters, including the WVA Coal Mine Explosion and culminated in the […]


  19. […] Vernal Equinox 2010: A Bad Moon a Risin’ […]


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