March 13th Yod and Midpoints: Which Man Should She Pick?

March 13, 2010 at 1:47 pm | Posted in Astrology, ExampleCharts, Predictions, Weekends | Comments Off on March 13th Yod and Midpoints: Which Man Should She Pick?
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I used the “Wheel and Data” page from Solar Fire to produce this chart.

Although astrology charts address a number of issues, I am only going to address one particular issue here: certain women, tonight, will have to choose between one of two men.

One man is young, handsome, and dashing.  Well, I am not sure about handsome, and he might not be all that young.  But, for many the chances are good that he is an athlete, a police officer, or a member of the military.  He is the kind of guy who will defend your honor, and he will punch someone in the face to do it.

He could be a sure bet, but he does have some downsides.  He has a temper and might be violent.  Sometimes he rushes in where others fear to tread.  Based on his temper, he might hurt you.  To be sure, he will say he is sorry afterwards, and he will charm you.  But, this could easily become a very destructive pattern.

The other man is probably older.  He could be an authority figure, but probably not a police officer.  He would be more like an attorney or perhaps a judge.  He could be in the military, but he would be a seasoned leader, perhaps of the platoon.  He could easily be a banker or business owner.  He is stable, and he probably has money while everyone else does not during this recession.

But he has his dark side as well.  He may be developing problems: dental problems or baldness or other aspects of aging.  You will always be in competition with his career or his business, and sometimes the business will win.  You will feel like a neglected “business widow” or a “Trophy Wife” who must be perfect and greet the public to assure his position.  He probably will not hit you, but sometimes he can seem mean.  If you are a spender, then this is not the guy for you because he will be a penny pincher at heart.  Violate the family budget and it could mean real trouble.

If some of you (I am assuming the female readers and not the guys) are wondering if you will be satisfied with either one, let me assure you that you will not.  No matter how WELL things work out, you will always WONDER what would have happened if you picked the other guy.

If you pick the attorney / judge / corporate guru / Bill Gates (just kidding, Bill, we all know that you are, in fact, stunningly generous), then in your moments of boredom you will wonder what would have happened if you had picked “the exciting guy.”  And, if you pick the exciting guy, you will wonder “why is this happening again” as he gets in yet another fight, this time with the guy turning off the cable because the bill was not paid.  No matter which one you pick, you will always wonder.  YOUR KARMA (Ladies) will be to COMPLETELY let go of the other “path” (guy).  Failure to do so will bring you the worst possible result.

How bad can it get?  You’ll feel like a character in this Eric Roberts movie.

This brings up another topic.  Some of you ladies are cheating on your husband.  He is the “Saturn Character” (older, possibly balding or dental, maybe a manager or business man).  Well, this chart has maps (for beginners) to decode planets, signs, and aspects.  If you use the maps to decode the “Midpoints” section, you’ll find the following:  (1) The Moon is in a relationship with the midpoint of Mars and Saturn (and, specifically, each of those is quincunx, forming a “yod” or a DECISION THAT MUST BE MADE); AND (2) Uranus (accidents, surprises, and unexpected events) is in a relationship with Venus (women) and Jupiter (the big amplifier that makes everything BIG).

This latter aspect Uranus conjunct midpoint of Venus and Jupiter has several meanings.  Some people will win BIG tonight.  But, all three are in the sign of Pisces (revelations, self-undoing, and sometimes hidden enemies (that gossipy next door neighbor)).  So, if you are cheating on hubby, chances are good that will be revealed tonight.  AND, tonight he might have the energy to tell you to get out (if he is Saturn) or leave after he either beats you (Mars) or arrests you (also Mars).

Tonight can be very, very bad news for women who are cheats.  (Remember the Eric Roberts movie mentioned above?  It is based on a true story, and that woman went to prison, convicted of murder.)  Remember, also, this is a VERY old moon preceding a new moon (and that is about ENDINGS).

Guys: I am leaving it up to you to discern who you are in this drama.  Just realize that you may not be who you think you are.  The police chief could be Saturn, and the business man might be Mars after all.

(I am adding an annotated version, below, of the above chart to help the casual reader identify Moon, Mars, Saturn, and their relationships in this particular Yod.  I leave it as an exercise (Google helps) to identify Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter in their relationships.  A search like this might help.)

Annotated Astrological Chart shows Yod of March 13th

5 point stellium on Monday March 15th (and Tuesday March 16th)

March 13, 2010 at 2:08 am | Posted in Astrology, Lunations, Predictions | Comments Off on 5 point stellium on Monday March 15th (and Tuesday March 16th)
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As you may realize from the title of this blog, the focus of this blog is planetary patterns. Monday March 15, 2010 and Tuesday March 16, 2010 will witness a five point stellium. These happen from time to time, but not everyday. This one emphasizes things Piscean.

As you can see from this chart (a SolarFire 7 chart), the Moon is very old and moving toward a New Moon.  In case what I am saying is not obvious, follow the large red lines across the middle of the chart to the group of eight (8) planets on the left hand side.  This group of eight planets can fit about five of them together in a sign or house.  Thus the “5 point stellium.”

Opinions vary about New Moons, but the traditional interpretation is unfavorable.  New Moons do govern beginnings, but they also govern endings.  Shortly after the New Moon, the Moon connects to Mercury (transportation and communication) then Uranus (accidents).

Pisces governs songs and poetry but also mis-steps, deceit, and crime of the “con-artist” variety.  Pisces also governs revelations, particularly the “slip of the tongue” accidental kind.  (Note Uranus = accidents, mentioned above.)

Since this particular one (several stellia occur in the March 15th / 16th period) occurs in rush hour for most U.S. time zones, the likelihood of auto accidents increases.  The same may be true in parts of Europe experiencing the evening rush hour.  For poets and songwriters, this can be a great time.  The rest of us need to be extra careful.

A few people will find this to be a good time to launch a diet or break an old bad habit.

Most affected: people born August 17th to September 19th.  People born February 13th to March 17th.  For these two groups especially, this will probably be either a very bad day or a very good one.  Generally: avoid major purchases if possible.  Avoid long term commitments that involve work, especially arduous work.  (You’ll be “able” to do it, but you may not like it much.)  Again, best uses: reading or writing poetry, lyrics or music.  In fact, any kind of work involving the “Nine Muses.”

Further reading:

(1) Maya Del Mar’s Pisces New Moon Meditation

(2) Linkn’ Joe’s Analysis of this New Moon

(3) Aquarian Rants on Pisces New Moon 2010

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