Nefrit’s Chart

August 17, 2012 at 11:00 pm | Posted in Astrology | 18 Comments
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Reader Nefrit has requested analysis of her natal chart.

Based on the data provided, here is the chart produced in Astrolog:

[click to enlarge]

Nefrit has her Sun in late Scorpio with her Moon in early Pisces; the two are 102 degrees apart,  They are trine by sign but not by degree.  Saturn will trine her Moon in 2013 but not contact her Sun until somewhat later (probably 2014).  She has experienced her first Saturn return and the associated transformation.  Saturn will continue to bring transformation, particularly as it conjuncts Venus and Uranus.  This happened early in her life as well, probably about age 8 to 10 years of age.  Something rather profound likely happened then, such as a divorce of parents, a move to a new city or country, or something else similarly profound.

Particularly interesting is her close relationship between the Sun and Ceres,  Ceres is representative of feast and famine.  Prior to the 20th century, when famine was common, Ceres had a different meaning.  It meant actual famine.  Today, it usually signifies a pattern of preoccupation with weight and weight loss.  Usually it signifies also a pattern of extreme diets followed by a the “rebound” effect of gaining the weight back plus new additional weight.  Nefrit will have to carefully guard against being ensnared by this or a similar pattern.  In a worst case scenario, it could signify an eating disorder such as bulimia.

Mercury, Juno, and Neptune are essentially conjunct near 15 Sagittarius.  Her communications are how she gets things done, but sometimes they are unclear.  Worst case either she or the other party engages in outright deceit.  In her original request, she asked about boyfriends and romance.  Based on this aspect, and her Sun/Moon position, we recommend that she favor partners with water sign Sun/Moon.  However, her current Gemini boyfriend can work.  The issue of communications is important in all relationships, but heightened for her.

Juno, of course, was the jealous wife of ever-philandering Jupiter.  Jupiter cheated on her almost constantly.  Nefrit would benefit from studying the mythology and stories of Juno and how to address those issues.

With a sensitive Pisces Moon, dishonest partners more deeply wound her than others.  The issue with Ceres (and weight / weight loss) compounds the problem.  Uranus and Venus are essentially conjunct, so she may have a predilection for what might be termed “unusual” relationships.  This could range from the May/December variety to GLBT to those that are truly “kinky.”  As I watch Craig Ferguson while I write this, I hear the announcer mentioned “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Sex Toys.”  Is that a coincidence?
We note that the Moon in Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer trine the Venus / Uranus duo; this forms a grand water trine making this combination particularly important in her chart.  The Venus / Uranus duo tend to affect both her Moon (her deep internal self) and her career (Jupiter).  Despite a preference for “creative romances,” we suspect that she has a deep yearning for a family (Jupiter in Cancer).  If that is not feasible, she will tend to work in areas that involve water or fluids (shipping by sea, the oil industry) or working with families (possibly social work).

Of course, we are not saying any of this is necessarily “true” in the form described.  Planetary positions and aspects can be expressed in a large variety of ways.  These are just the most obvious interpretations.

We invite her response and clarifications.

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