Thursday February 3rd 2016

February 3, 2016 at 10:54 pm | Posted in 2016, Astrology, Predictions | 2 Comments
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Thursday February 3rd 2016

Thursday February 4th

Venus perfects a semi-sextile to Saturn early at 7:15 AM CST.  Moon becomes v/c (void of course) after perfecting a square to Jupiter at 4:04 AM CST and the moon stays void until entry into Capricorn at 6:45 PM CST.  Moon square Jupiter tends to lead us to overeat or overspend.  This is both a day in which we are cleaning up from Wednesday AND a very “metaphysical” day.

The early Venus Semi-Sextile Saturn aspect makes this feel like another workday, but even more than previously please do stick to routine and resist the temptation to follow the absurd or extreme.  You will see the wisdom (or folly) of your actions by evening.

Outer planet aspects include Uranus conjunct Vesta (a followup from Monday).  Mars Semisquare Hygeia brings in issues from Tuesday and give them a powerful sense of urgency.  But, the moon is void for most of the workday, and we find it difficult to accomplish certain tasks despite their pressing urgency.

Julie Demboski has an excellent description of the perfection of Uranus / Vesta:

“Today could be a dangerous day, and by dangerous I mean exciting, over-the-top, fulfilling–it’s the aftermath we have to be mindful of. The individuality urge is fired by the need to be original, to experiment, to be radical, to make chaos, revolution, or something entirely new and modern–and the Vestal influence can be both highly constructive, aligning our urges with our highest values or service to home and family, or can lead us to believe that our impulses and intellectual conclusions are sacred, not to be questioned or thwarted, and so effectively sending us on a monomaniacal tear. How do we tell the difference?”  We encourage you to read more.  [Click Here.]

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