Friday February 19th 2016

February 18, 2016 at 11:50 pm | Posted in 2016, Astrology, Higher Order Aspects, Predictions | 2 Comments
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Friday February 19th 2016

Friday February 19th

Friday COULD be considered to be far more benevolent EXCEPT for the Moon in Cancer void that starts at 8:36 AM CST with Moon trine Mars (a great morning for exercise but maybe not so good for personal relationships) and ends at 8:18 PM CST with the Moon’s entry into Leo.

Friday is the first full day of the Sun in Pisces.  That this would be a day almost entirely consumed by a void of course moon is not surprising.  In many ways, the ultimate lunar void is the Moon v/c in Pisces (a void moon in the final sign of the zodiac is entirely about centering oneself and focusing primarily, if not entirely, on tasks that clear away the old to make room for the new).

Mars is biquintile Uranus, and some people will have truly GREAT ideas emerge, particularly involving the military (and possibly the police).  You may not be able to ACT on these ideas effectively, but make notes of your ideas for later review.  You may add necessary “tuning” later when you prepare to take action later.  This is a great day for creatives as long as they realize that they may need to tune the work later.

Chiron is quincunx Black Moon Lilith (a point in space rather than an actual object) and issues of sex and seduction come into conflict with healthcare or education.  Do not be surprised if scandals rise to the surface.  Even if that is not true, some of us will need to face our thoughts about what is “taboo” in sexuality and how we might transform or heal such situations.

Vesta in quincunx the North Node (another point in space), and we find traditions in conflict with applying hard work to developing ourselves (and eliminating the “karma” of old repeating patterns).  This makes this a GREAT day to leave behind “bad habits” or start a new life free of addictions.  If it applies to you: kick the habit!

You will once again have a window where you can accomplish something, perhaps something very important to your own personal development, but it will almost certainly be subject to some kind of re-do later.  (This could be in the next few days or it might be during the next Mercury Retrograde.)  Sometimes, though, we need to push through in a void knowing that we may have to revisit it lately or “learn a lesson” in terms of what does not work (providing a foundation for, later, doing what does work).


Focused Yod (Moon Opp Mars) 2015-09-25

September 23, 2015 at 10:39 pm | Posted in 2015, Astrology, Patterns, Predictions | 3 Comments
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Focused Yod (Moon Opp Mars) 2015-09-25

We see a focused yod covering most of the day on September 25th of 2015, starting with the Moon v/c in Aquarius and culminating with the perfection of Moon opposite Mars, Moon in Pisces and Mars in Virgo.  The Virgo / Pisces theme that we have seen for most of the month of September effectively culminates here before we face the “Blood Moon” of September 27th.  With that eclipse, we will more clearly move into Aries / Libra issues.

Here is the chart for Moon opposite Mars, filtered for the Focused Yod:

2015-09-25 Focused Yod (Moon Opp Mars)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Needless to say, this Focused Yod is about “getting things done” on this Friday and closing the books on certain key issues.  Yesterday we had Pluto move Direct and Mercury (retrograde) square Pluto.  A sense of urgency to complete certain tasks faces us now.  Some things are already different with the advent of the equinox; this will only be more true next week after the eclipse.

Hard Rectangle 2015-08-28

August 5, 2015 at 12:52 am | Posted in 2015, Astrology, Patterns, Predictions, Weekends | 5 Comments
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Hard Rectangle 2015-08-28

These are rare aspects, and some people would argue against this one.  Two of the components are the North/South node which are calculated points rather than planets.  We present the chart and analysis, and you can decide for yourself.

A bit like a “Thor’s Hammer,” this is an energetic aspect that can be dangerous.  You may have trouble sleeping, and if you are awake you will have much energy.  You can get work done or clean house or something similar.  But given that this occurs late Friday into Saturday, you might want to stay off the roads to avoid inebriated drivers.  Moon opposite Mars is part of the pattern, and that makes “things” even more energetic.  (Moon opposite Mars perfects a few hours before this pattern forms.)

Here is the chart:

2015-08-28 Hard Rectangle (Moon Opp Mars)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Solar Fire Gold v8 Aug 5 2015

Electional Search Results

Criteria: FIND (Chart contains Hard Rectangle)
Search From: Aug 1 2015 0:00 am
Search To: Aug 31 2015 11:59 pm

Status: Finished – 1 matches

Enters Aug 28 2015 2:31:01 am (CDT +5:00)
Leaves Aug 28 2015 8:46:43 am (CDT +5:00)

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