Would you let us join the fight?

April 5, 2020 at 4:34 am | Posted in 2020, Astrology | Comments Off on Would you let us join the fight?
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Confessions of a Doctor to be

Every employee in hospitals around the world is bracing themselves for the torrential influx of COVID-19 patients that will overrun their wards. This is on top of pre-existing patients and those who will present for various other reasons. New and makeshift hospitals are being built on the fly and the world is quietly watching, unsure of how much worse the situation will become. But no matter how many beds we vacate for COVID-19 patients and how many resources we attain to fend against the virus, there is only a finite amount of health workers that exist in the world. Doctors and nurses are not created overnight, nor can they be magically 3D-printed for such purposes. Retired doctors are already volunteering to come back into the workforce so the question arises, how much good can us medical students do?

Now I know this is quite a polarising topic and before anyone…

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