Monday February 1st 2016 (W06)

January 31, 2016 at 7:05 pm | Posted in 2016, Astrology, Predictions, septile, septiles, triseptile | 4 Comments
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February 1st 2016 (W06)

A glance at the Mystic Rectangles monthy “Mars Out” forecast shows several septile (triseptile) aspects of outer planets.  These aspects are subtle, but they mark this as a day of karma in which we best help ourselves by anonymously helping someone less fortunate than ourselves without expecting anything in return.

Pluto / Vesta are square, and we find a conflict between “doing things the way we have always done them” and the true sources of power present in power structures such as the police and intelligence agencies.  For some people, this is a time of very kinky sex (if you are into that kind of thing).  For anyone who is a “sex worker”: please be extra careful at this time.

Please keep in mind that we are still processing, and clearing out, the energy of the T-Square perfections of the past weekend (Friday / Sunday).

Some of what we said Sunday bears repeating here:

For some people, this is the kind of Sunday where, on Monday, you pretend to leave for work but go somewhere entirely different and hide for a day or week or year. (Maybe you “go out for cigarettes and never come back,” as was popular in the 1950’s and 1960’s.) Do keep in mind that “this too shall pass,” and “things” will become different. (Not “better” or “worse” but “different.”) But, again, this will be a critically important turning point for some people who choose to move into new circumstances.

While we are technically still in the “retrograde shadow,” in many ways moving past this final aspect of the sequence ends this particular sequence of dramas and opens the door for us to (finally!) move in new directions. But, in January of 2017 (when Mercury conunct Pluto perfects again), we may want to revisit our thoughts, notes, and decisions at this time.

Mars (in Scorpio) is septile the North Node, and this harkens to those willing to do the work to transform their lives, starting today.  I am especially speaking to anyone in a criminal occupation or group who is considering doing something like “Witness Relocation.”  Do it today, and never look back.  It will not be easy, but one day you will be grateful to yourself that you did.

For the rest of us, consider what big leap you need to make today or at the time of the New Moon (a week from today).  That NM has a Double Yod Key (DYK), and everyone will face a GROUP of important decisions at that time.  (For more about 2016 New Moons, click here.)

We cannot say it better about today and the rest of this week:  “Waning SCORPIO MOON today and tomorrow is excellent for purging and clearing anyway…”  (Source: Melanies Astro News; see, also: Melanies Astro News)

Finally, we note that the upcoming Aquarius New Moon on February 8th marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year and the beginning of the related festivities. (See, also: this article from the Telegraph.)


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