Sun Semisquare Venus 2015-10-07

October 7, 2015 at 12:41 am | Posted in 2015, Astrology, Patterns, Predictions | 4 Comments
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Sun Semisquare Venus 2015-10-07

This is the kind of day where you know something is bothering you but you may not be sure why.  An urgent push to “get things done” seems to pervade the atmosphere.  It is the kind of thing that is urgent at the moment but you likely will not remember it in a month and almost certainly will not remember it in a year.  The Moon forms a Yod with Pluto and Chiron, and you must make a decision between healing in the more ordinary sense and “radical transformation” (aka “death”).  The decision may not be obvious to you except in hindsight at some later date.  Here is the chart, filtered for 8th Harmonic aspects (semi-squares along with squares and oppositions):

Sun Semisquare Venus 2015-10-07 (8th Harmonic)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

If that chart is too “noisy” and difficult to read, try this one specifically filtered for semi-squares:

Sun Semisquare Venus 2015-10-07

[Click Image to Enlarge]

We should note that this last version of the chart also points out that the Sun is also semi-square Saturn, and that means that Venus square Saturn is in process.  Venus Square Saturn will perfect October 10th, in a few days.

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This sequence of aspects (a pattern in and of itself) is intricate and not necessarily obvious.  Mars opposite Neptune often brings deceit and scams.  Sun semisquare both Venus and Saturn brings a sense that “something is wrong.”  Mercury direct station brings the idea that “something must be done.”  Venus square Saturn, with Thor’s Hammer, brings a rage that can lead to violence and possibly death.  This mix is rather unpleasant unless you choose to elevate your consciousness sufficiently to re-direct these energies in other outlets.

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