Sun conjunct Mercury, Tarot Magic

July 6, 2016 at 2:32 am | Posted in Astrology | Comments Off on Sun conjunct Mercury, Tarot Magic

Yes, all of this AND the Sun/Moon are in their annual, once a year period of “mutual reception” where they can be interchanged (at least in terms of “energy”). It is really a rather incredible window of opportunity for some people.

Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

The Sun conjuncts the planet MERCURY July 6 at the 15th degree of CANCER a very powerful degree.  The 15th or middle degrees of all signs are considered most powerful as in a wave form. The symbols of the Tarot are archetypal symbols. The SUN= the sun .

The SUN is the #19 symbol in the TAROT called THE SUN

Sun Tarot Card, Tara Greene tarot card reader

The SUN is vitality, life, LIGHT, the SOURCE, God, consciousness, warmth, awareness, the stars, fire, life.

the #1 symbol in the TAROT is called the MAGICIAN which is the planet Mercury

Magician Thoth Tara Tarot reader

 MERCURY is the messenger of the Gods, also consciousness, the mind, communicating, thinking, analyzing, conception of an idea, pure thought. In traditional Tarot decks the Magician has the Infinity symbol over his head indicating that all consciousness is multi-dimensional.

This is a connection of Sun in the sign of Cancer  with the Mind. A mental emotional body enlightening. Both planets/…

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