Solar Maps for April 2010 Venus Touches Algol

April 21, 2010 at 8:35 am | Posted in Astrology, BadDays, Predictions | Comments Off on Solar Maps for April 2010 Venus Touches Algol
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Venus Touches Algol: USA Map

West Coast Turmoil Expected

California is particularly activated by this event with Sun on the Descendant on Sacramento (possibly indicating an important announcement by the governor or other high profile official).  Moon and Mars lines bracket much of the state indicating a call for action, and violence if that call to action is not heeded.  California based companies may be in, or enter, signficant disputes.  The recent debacle for Apple regarding the lost iPhone may escalate.

Seattle / Portland are similarly affected; Microsoft may find themselves in their own disputes.

Water Disputes in the West

Moving eastward, we see a Mercury line passing through Phoenix.  Since Mercury and Mars are square, the most “interesting” disputes may emerge between companies on the West Coast (especially California) and Phoenix.  This could manifest as an escalation of an water disputes in that region.  (Western Colarado & Arizona, Nevada, and Southern California.  Refer to map.)

Danger in Mexico Likely to Escalate

Further eastward, Chiron / Neptune (especially important lately, and astrologically the key activator in the recent West Virginia mine explosion) passes through the midwest, near Eastern Colorado, through the panhandles of Oklahoma and Texas into a region between Guadalajara and Mexico City.  What this means for these regions is difficult to say, but possibly something along the line of an earthquake, explosion, or airline crash.  (Could a volcano suddenly sprout here?)

The Venus line, the most dreaded in this map, passes through the Great Lakes  and near Milwaukee & Chicago.  Most of Illinois is affected.  Missouri and western Arkansas are affected, as the line continues through eastern Texas between Dallas and Houston.  The southern coast of Texas (especially near Corpus Christi) is highly affected.  This same line passes between Guadalajara and Mexico City, also.  Coupled with the Chiron/Neptune line, this indicates that the region between Guadalaja and Mexico City is currently highly dangerous.

East Coast

Virginia and the Carolinas are likely to benefit from this time. A Jupiter line brings favor especially in areas involving the poetry, music, and the arts in general. Scientists in these areas (Virginia, Research Triangle) may make important discoveries at this time.

However, the corridor from New York to Boston is plagued by the current Saturn/Uranus opposition. A powerful tension between authority and rebellion exists, and the outcomes to the many disputes related to this dynamic are not predictable. We can only predict that we cannot predict. But, authority that survives will be strengthened. In many settings, only the structure, or “bones,” (Saturn = skeleton/bones) will be left. (This is a metaphorical analysis, or so we hope.)


Europe continues to be in predictable turmoil. No astrology or rocket science is needed; the volcano is enough. But, the map signals unrest in Northern Ireland and Scotland. This does not look like violence and probably is just sequelae to the volcano. Birmingham, England is touched by a Mars line which is considerably more dangerous and could signal significant danger.

Oslo, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, and Valenica are all connected here by a Neptune line but NOT with Chiron nearby (that passes through the UK). What this means is difficult to say. In the low form it can be criminality and cheats but in high form in can benefit poetry, music, and the arts. I suspect that communications between people in this region and Virginia/Carolinas can be particularly “interesting” especially if involving film or video production. Music, photography and other arts are favored as well. However, Neptune often obscures, so this might be just where the volcano cloud is currently worst.

Eastern Europe is highly activated by both Jupiter and Uranus, with the Jupiter line passing through Naples. This is sometimes called the “Lotto” aspects because Jupiter/Uranus is associated with Lotto winnings. But, as Lee Lehman once said (at UAC 98), Jupiter can also cause “spectacular losses.” (Her emphasis is truly lost in the written word.) Jupiter makes things big, and Uranus includes accidents and explosions, so this could be a dangerous region, but dangerous in a very different way from Mexico. (Here the events are likely accidents, but in Mexico likely intentional violence.)

Australia and New Zealand

New Zealand is activated by Chiron and Neptune.  This has been discussed earlier, but what particular variety of risk this might bring to NZ is not clear to this astrologer.  Best guess is a Tsunami secondary to an earthquake, but could be other events.

Australia has activations at Alice Springs, Melbourne, and Hobart.  Hobart is especially activated, and important news should be expected from there.  The news will likely be “uncomfortable” but not very unexpected.  Some kind of drama unfolding there finally reaches a turning point that could easily garner national attention.


India is most profoundly affected with the Chiron/Neptune line passing near Delhi and thoughout central India.  An event that galvanizes the entire nation into action could easily occur today.  Whatever it is, it will signal a need for reforms.  This kind of event could signal the rise of consumerism and additional consumer protections in India.

Hanoi, and most of Viet Nam, are affected by Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus.  In addition to signaling some important aspect of a “changing of the guard,” this could tie this region to the New York/Boston corridor.  Old issues related to the Viet Nam conflict may surface for both the United States and Viet Nam.  Little danger is expected, but the experiences may seem painful and difficult.  Do not be surprised if American GI bodies are found and returned at this time.

Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur are favored by a Jupiter line.  They need some relief, and (even though Venus touches Algol is generally very bad) they will get some.

The same is true for Tokyo and Japan.  And, Tokyo and Japan will find themselves intricately involved with the dramas in Sacramento, California, and the West (U.S.), mentioned earlier.  This could be financial involvement, as Japan collectively decides that it must prevent any further decline in California because of crucial interdependence with California.  Although this idea will be challenged on both sides of the Pacific, Japan will decidedly benefit if it follows such as course of action.

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