Venus in Leo, sex drama passion party

August 28, 2017 at 4:26 pm | Posted in Astrology | Comments Off on Venus in Leo, sex drama passion party

Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

Venus is at the last “critical degree” of Cancer today. August 26 in EDT and GMT. 

VENUS in the spotlight LEO August 24/25- September. 19/20th 

Venus enters Leo Aug. 25 @ 9:30 pm PDT/ Aug. 26 @ 12:30 a.m. EDT/ 5:30 am GMT. 

Love gets hotter and desires soar.  Let your love light shine like the sun. It’s women hear me roar time. As if things weren’t dramatic enough. Venus in Leo is ROYAL DRAMA!   Is Prince Harry engaged?  Power struggles can get even more raw, inflamed, hot and passionate.

Any way you slice it it’s SHOW TIME! 

“Say what you have to say and say it hot” D. H. Lawrence.

Venus the Goddess of LOVE Beauty, Relationships,  +BLING, demands to be treated like A QUEEN or King, so you better get ready to take the throne and be sovereign. THE word of 2017.


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