08/7/17 Eclipse Season

August 7, 2017 at 11:22 pm | Posted in Astrology | Comments Off on 08/7/17 Eclipse Season

The Kindred Cosmos

Welcome to eclipse season.  Monday is the lunar eclipse in Aquarius and coming up later this month will be a total solar eclipse which is a major event whether you are into astrology or not.

Astrologically speaking, eclipses are significant events.  They occur along with full moons or new moons and they greatly intensify the power of these events.  Full moons are all about endings and new moons are all about beginnings, but in the cyclic nature of our lives and the universe the two are really connected.  Things end and new beginnings are created.  Things begin because something has ended.  Monday, 08/7/17, we have a full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius.  We can look at this as the end of a cycle.  It is a time of letting go.  Sometimes we fight to hold on because we are resistant to change but wisdom teaches us that when things have…

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