May 3

May 3, 2017 at 10:32 pm | Posted in Astrology | Comments Off on May 3

jbuss Astrology

Lots of Convergence in the Channeled material this week…

All about Making (or Taking) it Easy.  At first glance though the Mercury Station chart (3 May 10am PDT) looks pretty complicated…

We’ll deconstruct it in a minute; for now, notice the orange lines forming a “bowl.”  This is the beginnings of a Grand Quintile (Excellent Opportunity for Learning) that pretty much dominates the 10 May Full Moon chart as the Sun moves into the Vacant fifth position in the Configuration. 

We’ll talk more about that soon; for now, just be Alert that whatever Difficulty or Confusion you Encounter is really about Learning.  We can Learn all manner of “information” without encountering Discomfort, but Real Learning, as in Growth of Consciousness, is often accompanied by Difficulty or Confusion or both.  The Grand Quintile tells us not to try to Puzzle it Out, but to just be Open…

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