Venus Rx into Pisces and so much more…

April 4, 2017 at 12:15 am | Posted in Astrology | Comments Off on Venus Rx into Pisces and so much more…


Venus slips back into Pisces, Venus is happy here, sweet, kind and compassionate.

There is of course a twist, she squares up to Saturn in Sag all through the month of April. He is the reality check, a time to look at your self-esteem and worth, in regards to yourself and what you are trying to manifest. Saturn keeps it real, now, you also have too. Time to bring it back to the truth, you may start to see the walls dissolve, the illusions/disillusions slip away, and you look, see, hear what is real and right in front of you. Then you take the steps to keep it in the right place/perspective.

Saturn also goes Rx on the 6th of April till 27th August. Saturn is giving you the space to get in and do the work, usually hard work, Saturn wants you to look at what and where, that…

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