Full Virgo Moon of dream healing

March 14, 2017 at 12:29 am | Posted in Astrology | Comments Off on Full Virgo Moon of dream healing

Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

March 12th at 10:54 a.m. EST (1554 GMT)  The Full Virgo Moon peaks at 22+ degrees. This is a very intense full moon opposing a stellium of PISCES planets and the Sun.

Virgo image Tara Greene astrology

This Moon is known by many names, the Full Worm Moon. Northern Indigenous Tribes called this the Full Crow Moon as the cawing of crows signals the end of winter, or the Full Crust Moon. It’s also known as  The Full Sap Moon, marking the time for tapping maple trees. I like the sound of the Crow and sap moon.  Magical and sweet. 

VIRGO is a mutable earth sign and one of the oldest of Constellations of the VIRGIN EARTH MOTHER.  Virgo is known for hard work, perfectionism, accountability humility and always getting the job done. 

The sign of VIRGO is associated with Tarot Major the HERMIT #9 

Hermit Tarot #9 Tara Greene

The opposition of the MOON to CHIRON, the Wounded Healer in PISCES in a MUTABLE T-SQUARE…

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