October 1, 2016 at 12:22 am | Posted in Astrology | 36 Comments


  1. Thank you for reblogging. Hope everyone set their intentions or if you are in the southern hemisphere tonight’s the night for you!! Many blessings to all!! 😊


    • You are welcome! I am located in Plano, TX (i.e. the Northern Hemisphere), but I do try to remember and honor my brethren in the Southern Hemisphere!

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      • I’m in Massachusetts! But I have many blogger friends in Australia and other places in the Southern hemisphere so I always have them in mind too!! Love all your sites, I’m excited about learning and reading more!!! Wishing you a wonderful day! 😊

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      • Thank you so much! Mass is a rather interesting place. Harvard and MIT are obvious, but then there are DEC and Data General from the “old days” of computing along with Lovecraft setting his stories there and so forth….

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      • OMG!!! I used to work at Data General!!!!! I now live in the Western part of the State which is much more country-like and I love it out here more. Huh…


      • The Soul of a New Machine is one of my favorite books!

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      • Hmmm thanks I’ll check it out! 😊

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      • Pulitizer Prize winning NYC Bestseller about Data General circa early to mid 1980’s. https://www.amazon.com/Soul-New-Machine-Tracy-Kidder/dp/0316491977

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      • I worked down on the floor on the line where these computers were built. They would go from section to section for different parts. They weren’t PC’s though they were tall chassis with a front door that opened and inside were the guts. These were for other businesses. Fascinating, we did have a lot of fun!! I was a secretary amongst all these techs, I loved that job. Thanks for sharing that!! 😊. Brings back great memories.

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      • You were in the middle of it! Yes, I remember what those machines were like. To my knowledge, machines like that are not built any more. Even the supercomputers are built from smaller “nodes” (which are almost always Intel based, maybe something like four quad-core Intels on a board). For example: https://www.tacc.utexas.edu and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_Advanced_Computing_Center (I am sure equivalent “centers” exist in your area, along with ORNL and the ones in California.)

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      • Sorry had to go off to work!! Yes I was in the middle of it, it was so exciting too!! And lots of fun, great crew, so cerebral as you can imagine and then not so cerebral in other instances…Thank you for all these links, quite fascinating!! 🙂

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      • I remember thinking back in the late 70’s / early 80’s that the machines of the future would be built of smaller, slower processors working together. And, that is exactly what has happened. I keep seeing the future, but not quite enough to make money from it. That can be rather frustrating.

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      • Yes that is frustrating. When you see something in the future, try to see how to create it too. Keep it simple but one of those ” why didn’t I think of that” ideas. 😊


      • Happens to me ALL the time!

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      • I had an idea on the way to work yesterday. For the last few years tags on clothing tops have really been irritating to my neck and back. I know alot of things come tagless now but there are still alot of tags. So I often snip them off but sometimes it’s not easy too or worse yet I cut a whole in the material. So on my to work the tag was irritating me and I thought, why not create a piece of silky smooth cloth that would just cling to the fabric, like static cling, it would be placed over the tag and stay there all day and then you just remove it when you take it off. Now to invent it!! And how many other people are bothered as I am…would it sell? But that’s one of those…why didn’t I think of that…ideas. Oh well!! 🙂

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      • You will need to apply for a patent ASAP to protect your idea. (Contact a competent patent lawyer in your area!)

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      • Do tags bother you? Is it something you would buy? I have ideas a lot, I’m trying to find that million dollar idea!!

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      • Sounds like something that would be sold on late night TV or as part of some kind of bundle. But, don’t take my word for it. Check with a patent guy.

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      • Yeah as I said I was just thinking of how to solve the problem and that is what I thought of. 🙂

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      • Could be sold in clothing stores as well.

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      • I should go on Shark Tank… 😉

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      • Why not? 🙂

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      • 😊

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      • Shark Tank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYyQcTJlUkw ; See, also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWOT_analysis

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      • You are SO resourceful!!! Lol…thank you!! 🙂

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      • You are welcome! ♥️

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      • 😊


      • If / when you read it, would love to know what you think about it.

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      • Gee I wonder if I’m mentioned in it…hee hee..just kidding! I’ll let you know if I do, it has my interest piqued. I think it would really resonate with me, having experienced it first hand. Thanks again.

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      • Maybe you should write your own story….

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      • Yeah I think about that and have briefly started a few times, just not sure if I want to write fact or fiction…


      • Write an outline, write at least one ending (several is better), write a beginning, and make everything between fit.

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      • Hmmm great advice. Thank you!! I have a few ideas and I’ve started a couple of times but didn’t get far at all. I will try this method. 🙂

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      • If you use a Mac consider Omnioutline for the outline. You could also use Scrivener, a popular Writer’s tool available for both Mac and Windows.

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      • I have Windows, thanks for the tip. You are quite resourceful, I appreciate your sharing the information! 😊

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      • Yedit is also very useful if you use Windows: http://www.spacejock.com/yEdit.html


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