Grand Quintile of August 28, 2016

August 27, 2016 at 8:20 pm | Posted in 2016, 5th Harmonic, Astrology, Grand Quintile, Higher Order Aspects, Patterns, Predictions, Special Days | 20 Comments
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As we have written elsewhere, we are entering an amazing window of time.  Here is the basic chart for the Grand Quintile of August 28, 2016, filtered for the Grand Quintile:

Grand Quintile 1 2016-08-28 (prior to Solar Eclipse)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Here is what we have written about this window of time that begins with this pattern:

We are at the edge of entering a truly amazing period of time that starts “about now” (late Leo, circa August 15th and points forward) until some time in late September, possibly “about’ the change of seasons at the Fall Equinox.  Here is why it is amazing:

  1. A Grand Quintile forms on August 28th.  These are even more rare than the Mystic Rectangles we encountered a few weeks ago.  By itself, that would be enough, but….
  2. Mercury stations retrograde on August 30th (and, as of August 15th, we are in the “shadow” of the retrograde where we are already “feeling” some of the disruptions and shifts in our patterns that are yet to come).  (See, also: Mercury Stations and Ingresses for 2016.)  I would argue that the Grand Quintile of August 28th continues to be in effect.  BUT, how to use that massive influx of creative genius when Mercury is making a (retrograde!) station?  And we note that Mercury stations direct again on September 22nd, shortly after the change of seasons (Fall Equinox).  Clustering of events like this are a sort of “punctuation mark.”
  3.  We have a Solar Eclipse (New Moon, but a rather special kind) that affects most of the African continent and especially central Africa.  This Eclipse perfects on September 1st and has a number of other patterns present.  While I am not sure of this, I would not be entirely surprised to discover that some (many? most?) people of African descent are affected.  AND *SOME* geneticists argue that, to some greater or lesser degree, we are all descended from Africans (those of us who are of Asian or Caucasian descent being nomads who left Africa very long ago).  I would AGAIN argue that the Grand Quintile is still in effect.  (Why?  Because it “re-appears” on September 3rd and continues to September 11th.  That leads me to believe that the computer program that detects this pattern cannot see something that, currently, only human eyes can.)
  4. “Another” Grand Quintile (re-)appears on September 3, 2016 and continues until September 11, 2016.  Is it really that big of a deal?  YES!  If you look at our page “Grand Quintiles from 1800 to 2050,” you will see that about 200 of these occur in the 250 year time span (a quarter of a millenium).  BUT, they often occur in groups of two or three or more during a particular year and then not again for several years.  The next ones happen in 2020 (curiously, the next election cycle!).  For those of you who can “channel” this amazing energy, you have a window where you may produce some of the greatest creative works of your lifetime.  Please do not let this slip by you!
  5. Mercury Retrograde will move backwards across the Sun AND North Node (Karma) during this cycle and back across them after moving forward.  “Luke, it is your DESTINY!”  Whatever is the best use of your personal creative genius, this is the time to use it/them.

We hope to write some posts about this amazing window, but sometimes we get derailed by personal events, have computer problems, etc.  AND, we are getting older and crankier and sometimes we just do not get things out the way we would like.  The computer that we used to produce our posts and content was out of commission for MONTHs, and it is just now online again.  We will help if we can, but on the outside chance that does not happen, you need to HELP YOURSELF.  Make a list of your goals, especially your creative goals, and what you would like to bring to fruition at this time.  Is it photography?  Poetry, Songwriting? Sculpture?  Is your gift creative writing or maybe writing “how to” books?  How about computer programming or “big data” data science?  Are you a medical researcher or someone who might be writing a law review article?  Whatever it is, THIS is your window.  Every moment is precious.  Use it wisely.

And, as far as the political arena goes, expect to see nothing short of AMAZING and unprecedented events!

Here is what one commentator wrote about the Grand Quintile of 2004.


  1. With. Powerful day. It also is my birthday! I don’t know how to feel.about that


    • This year will bring you a special gift, at least one and maybe many. Chances are good that the gift(s) will be in the form of creative insights or ideas. A bit like the notorious three wishes from the genie, use what comes to you wisely.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you! I appreciate that alot. That in itself is a present

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hopefully the first of a number. Stay in touch and let me / “us” (the WordPress community) know what happens. I like feedback on my analyses; that helps me tune the process.


  2. Reblogged this on Weekly Forecasts.


  3. Reblogged this on Mystic Rectangles.


  4. Reblogged this on Lost Dudeist Astrology.


  5. Grand, I am curious about the lunar year that began in February. What part of the lunar year are we in? How do I figure it out? Do I count the weeks? Months? thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thirteen Full Moons and Thirteen New Moons, typically, per calendar year (western, sun-based). Some cultures do use a lunar calendar (I think the Muslim faith does), but I do not follow that. Your own personal lunar year is a function of the New and Full Moons closest to, and opposite to, your Solar Return, as well as your own lunar returns near those points. Hope this helps.

      Liked by 1 person

      • so this new moon is half way through the lunar year, right?


      • I cannot speak for lunar-based calendars (e.g. the Muslim calendar). Beyond that, you might want to check my page at and decide for yourself. (Depends on where you start counting. Jan 1st? Vernal Equinox?)

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lunar New Year ( Chinese New Year)

        Liked by 1 person

      • this new moon is half year

        Liked by 1 person

      • If you are using the Chinese New Year (also a New Moon) as the basis, then that makes sense.


      • Fall 1997 was the biggest event of my life by the way

        Liked by 1 person

      • That was a critically important time for me as well.


      • this year the new moon of Feb 8th is the first day of the lunar new year

        Liked by 1 person

  6. […] mind you, but chart graphics from the time when I developed my analysis of the rather important Grand Quintile of August 28th.  That confirmed for me that I needed to put up what I had done in a […]

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  7. Reblogged this on Clairvoyant Medium Energy Healing and commented:

    Great insights!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the reblog!


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