Lifelight Astrology 5th June – New Moon

June 2, 2016 at 7:01 pm | Posted in Astrology | 1 Comment

Michelle McClunan

moon girl hooked

 Anyone feeling a bit spun out?  Wondering what on earth is going on out there?

Well, I’m going to do my best to explain it from an astrological perspective, as I see it.

For a while now, we’ve had a number of planets in a square alignment called a Grand Cross.  It’s been around for about a week and will last until the 13th June.

New moon is on the 5th June, when the Sun and Moon are joined by Venus in Gemini,  focusing the spotlight on  communication, thoughts and information.

Opposing this bunch is Saturn and squaring them  are Jupiter, Neptune and the nodes. Here is the chart, for those of you who might be interested.

With a few other alignments and retrograde planets thrown into the mix, many people are struggling right now and the common theme seems to be, that the more we push and…

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  1. […] Michelle McClunan on this New Moon […]

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