Full Moon In Gemini. 

November 26, 2015 at 3:34 am | Posted in 2015, 2015-Lunations, Astrology, Lunations | Comments Off on Full Moon In Gemini. 
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The Walden Moon

Tonight the FULL MOON is in Gemini. Can you feel the frenzy? I can.

Gemini…the Twins…is all about communication. The Gemini has a tendency to go, go, go…and is always talking or listening…they can’t sit still. A Gemini can often become bored and a bit chaotic if their minds aren’t challenged…it’s all with good intent. They need to know. They need to see. They need to feel. They need to be heard. Sometimes they get ahead of themselves because their minds are going 100 miles per hour…they are already thinking about the next step. Sometimes they can appear to be listening but really they are on to the next thought and have already guessed what you are about to say. After all, for the Gemini, their curious minds are always running and their thirst for knowing something new is never tiring. They are quite charming, charismatic, and intellectual.

THE strategy…

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