The Moon and Astrology: How it affects our daily life…Transiting Moon in Capricorn…November 2015

November 13, 2015 at 11:01 pm | Posted in 2015, Astrology | Comments Off on The Moon and Astrology: How it affects our daily life…Transiting Moon in Capricorn…November 2015
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Serenity's Gift Cove (sgc)

The Moon and Astrology



In astrology, the moon is connected to our emotions and reactions… how we are feeling on a given day may well be influenced by the sign that is visiting the moon… Each sign stays with the moon for up to 2.5 days…. 🙂 

The Moon Void-off-Course: 

There are times throughout the month when the moon isn’t fully immersed in any sign… this is when we say the moon is Void off Course… and when this occurs, we may feel “foggy” and “unfocused” … We may not be sure how we are truly feeling about a situation or a person…. Therefore it is not recommended that we make long-term commitments or important decision’s while the moon is Void off Course…. However there are 4 signs in the zodiac which may prove positive during the Void-off-Course moon… 

Good for Void-Off-Course…

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