Virgo New Moon: Making Room For Growth

September 12, 2015 at 5:08 pm | Posted in Astrology | Comments Off on Virgo New Moon: Making Room For Growth

starface astrology

On September 6, Venus which had been retrograde since the end of August finally stationed direct. The last 6-8 weeks have been quite an emotional ride for many, as Venus’ backwards journey likely provoked us to re-evaluate our relationships to the people and things we love most, our finances and our values. As relieving as it is to have Venus, moving forward again, with all that has happened and shifted over the past month and a half, we now find ourselves in a period in which we must learn to adjust and commit to the changes we’ve decided to make.

Early in the morning on Sunday September 13, the Sun and Moon will make their monthly alignment, placing us in the lunar phase of the New Moon. Though it will not be visible to those of us in the Northern hemisphere, this is one of the more special New Moons…

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