Pluto has a heart, love him back

July 11, 2015 at 2:05 am | Posted in Astrology | Comments Off on Pluto has a heart, love him back

Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

We have never seen Pluto, the planet,  Lord of the Underworld, Death, Rebirth and Transformation up close before. We have only been able to contact him in myths, stories and meditation. We have all met him, if you remember that you have reincarnated. Yes Hades/ the Underworld is a real place.

Read James Hillman’s deep and academic book The Dream and the Underworld

Pluto is an Archetype, a God. Archetypes,Gods and Goddesses, are alive and eternal. They pre-exist as Carl Jung discovered. Anything we imagine is real. Pluto is a powerful Archetype. Much feared, when by rights for one so powerful he should be revered and honored. Western culture has become so divorced from death, Pluto /Death is terrifying and most people don’t want to know about, get close to or understand death.  There is a movement to hospice, thandoulas and seeing death as a spiritual rebirth. We are…

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