Natal Chart for Jill B

October 27, 2012 at 1:04 am | Posted in Astrology, NatalChartAnalysis | 3 Comments
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In August of 2012, reader Jill B posted the following query, along with her natal data:

Grandtrines –

I read that the North nodal axis is moving into Scorpio. That will be my first house.
Since i am also heading for my Saturn return , Do i to continue doing my Job?
Or move to university to study? Can you see which country will use my potential?

Or totally change my nature of work from Information Technology to business or management side?

I always liked living in Norway.

Here is Jill’s natal chart:

[Click to Enlarge]

As of this writing, you recently had your annual Solar Return.  Some of your questions have been answered by now, and my analysis may be moot.  Each year, the 30 days preceding our birthday, our “Solar 12th House,” proves to be a period of difficulty.  We make mistakes and often bad choices, the “self undoing” associated with the 12th house.  You have likely been through this recently.

Most of your chart is below ground.  Regardless of anything else, this leaves you often secretive.  Indeed, one of your problems can be enmeshment in the “gossip network.”  Be careful of letting others make your decisions for you by whispering half-truths into your ear.  Often they will cut you off from your best opportunities, and, tragically, you will believe that they are doing you a favor as they do so.  Pick your friends carefully.

With the Sun at 29 degrees, much of your life feels like fate.  You ARE able to make your own decisions, but you have to make an extra effort to be a truly autonomous decision maker.   You are faced with powerful struggles in this regard, and the 8th house Piscean moon reveals secrets to others that you would rather not be revealed.
It also creates a danger that you will squander any inheritance that comes your way.   Prudence in this area is especially important for you.  If you inherit cash, consider rolling it into a retirement fund or some similar approach rather than “taking a vacation” etc.

Now, to your specific questions.

Uranus at 15 Leo in the first house is your calling to the Tech Sector.  You will always have skill here (as long as you are of sound mind).  Some people may view you as a bit quirky, and the “quarter days” are something you should pay attention to.  (Samhain, upcoming, is circa November 7th.  Do not be surprised if Nov 7/8 is a turning point for you this year.  And, by “quarter days,” I am not referring specifically to traditions in the British Isles.  I am referring to the calendar days that correspond specifically to 15 degrees of each fixed sign.)

You have Pluto in the 1st as well.  Needless to say, this is difficult.  You simply cannot stop transforming yourself, and the experience is not always pleasant for yourself or anyone near you.

As to whether you should attend a University or go to Norway, I cannot quite see from this chart.  Both of those would have to do with 9th house involvement, and your 9th house appears to be intercepted.  I question how much weight to put on interceptions, but they do make interpretation a bit more tricky.  What I can say is that transiting Uranus is dancing about your 9th house cusp.  And, Uranus is obviously important to you.  So, this is your window to do something like University study, travel abroad, or other 9th house activities.  I will refrain from giving you specifics because I do not know enough about your personal situation.  But, you do have a window here, and it should be open for roughly a year or so.  Choose wisely.

Taking a peak at your US map (below), I note the following: Boston = Mercury (very good for education); Philadelphia = Uranus (amplifies your 1st house issues; good for ideas & technology but maybe a little dangerous); Virginia & North Carolina: Coastal Regions = Neptune (good for poetry and photography, should you ever turn that direction; amplifies your Moon & any related issues).

[Click to Enlarge]




  1. Grandtrines.. is this for me?


    • Are you Jill B?


  2. no . XCD 🙂


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