2011-04-03 New Moon

April 3, 2011 at 10:49 am | Posted in Astrology, Predictions, Weekends | 7 Comments
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This entry is an analysis of the New Moon of April, 2011.  For last year’s April New moon, click here.

Here is a United States map of the New Moon of April 3, 2011

Note that a number of lines are “near” the Cascadia Fault Line.  Given the events of March 11th et seq, this might be an indicator of a possible Vancouver / California earthquake following “Higashi Nihon Daishinsai.”  If you want to learn more, consider viewing the Nova program “Japan’s Killer Quake.”

The Middle East map is interesting.  The conjoint Mars/Uranus lines pass through a center point between Beirut and Baghad.  Does that need any explanation?  This is almost certainly the most revolutionary combination.  The implication is that the spirit of revolution is likely to spread throughout the Mid East.   Here is the map:

Additionally, a large number of lines pass through the United Arab Emirates, near the Strait of Hormuz.  Fortunately, these lines are much more beneficial, and they tend to indicate that UAE will be spared of any revolution and may even benefit.  This likely heralds an (even more) Golden Era for Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

This map also shows benefit for Rome and the Vatican, with Venus on the Descendant.

Paris is more problematic: situated between Chiron and Neptune, Paris (and France) will have to re-think certain old issues and undergo some kind of healing.  But, the result of these tribulations will be that Paris can become at least a teacher (if not a leader) in showing the rest of us how to deal with these problems.

Regarding Asia: sometimes Astrology simply confirms what we already know.  In particular, with Saturn at MC, Japan in general and Tokyo in particular, is experiencing a series of ongoing tests and tribulations.  (What kind of news is that?  But, Saturn at MC tells us that.  It also tells us that Japan can become STRONGER as a result of these lessons.)

Sun and Moon conjoint with IC near Tokyo indicates that Tokyo, and Japan, will be highly focused on domestic matters.  (Again, no real news here.)  Mars/Uranus crosses Fukuoka, near Hiroshima, but that region (so far) has been unaffected.  Most interesting are the implications that the Southern portion of the Pacific Rim may be more greatly affected (economically?) than Japan itself.  Perhaps the aftershocks (cultural and economic, that is) are far from over.

Here is the Australia / NZ map:

Most interesting is the Mercury (Retrograde) line near Sydney.  Sydney will have an opportunity to revisit an old problem and solve it, or face communications or transportation problems.

Some of you will be interested in the New Moon chart (set in Plano, of course).  Note that the Sun/Moon lines run west of California (refer to U.S. Map, above) and Chiron / Neptune are associated with Pennsylvania and New York (and the surrounding region).

Other considerations:  Sun and Moon (“the lights”) have just crossed Mars and Uranus (still effectively conjunct, or at least “near”) and are travelling to meet Jupiter and Retrograde Mercury.

If you are an Aries, this will be a very powerful month AND year for you, and you will be looking at old projects.  You may even have some old “dead” dreams resurrected and see them come to pass, giving you your heart’s desire (unless they are nightmares!).

Children born at this time will have difficulty at times because they will be so willful (and sometimes destructive), yet (in hindsight) we will come to realize that some of these leaders will accomplish what no one else could.  Except for child stars in Hollywood, we will not likely see this come to pass until some time between “about” 2030 and 2050.  (Maybe someone born at this time will solve the “Y38K Problem.”)

Edit: (added late Apr-03)  Remember the chain of disasters last Spring (followed on this blog) that eventually culminated in the Deepwater Horizon disaster?  If so, read this (timely) article:


One last comment: a “time crunch” (for the author of this blog) has re-appeared, so the next post here could be later this month.  HOPEFULLY, a Full Moon analysis will be possible, but might be later than that.


  1. […] [For the 2011 April New Moon, click here.] […]


  2. Very interesting. Can you say anything about britain ? we are involved in both iraq and libya apart from anything else .

    I’m also interested to know what your take on the 15th june eclipse is as it has mars conjunct algol. I’m wondering about this quite seriously given the fact we are already at war.


    • That is a very good request, and I need to look into it. Anything conjunct Algol, but especially a planet like Mars almost certainly tells us something is about to happen. I note that the Osama event occurred just a wee bit past a Taurean New Moon. Taurus tends to make people stubborn. In pretty form, it is a bit like that beautiful farm I mentioned in another post. In ugly form, it produced Saddam Husein and Adolf Hitler (born within days of each other, different years). Actually, we’ll be seeing a series of Algol events during this time period. Maps are a good idea; thanks for the idea(s)!


  3. I was wondering about another terrorist attack and then I started some time ago- as the middle east and north african situations multiplied -thinking about nostradamus and ww3 tho I was telling myself I was overdramatising and being daft. Now,. with the news as of today re the regime in syria mass arresting any young male in every household in some towns; and Turkey saying it won’t stand by, I am concerned that this transit will involve action over syria at which point ww3 doesn’t sound quite so daft … A lot of us over (Bristol area) here were spooked by the atmosphere surrounding the 4th january 2011 eclipse and it felt as if the wild ride were out. It was a very heavy potent ominous eclipse mood to start this year with.


    • The computer that houses my copy of Solar Fire has crashed. (Currently Mercury Rx as I write this.) So, until that is resolved, I cannot do the kind of detailed analysis needed to answer your question. Circa December 12th to 15th I hope to be able to resume my analysis and provide a detailed Solstice analysis. Your point about the Eclipse may be worth examining in more detail. Let me say this, if I had SF working, I would look, first, for any interaction of Mars/Algol in your target geography.


    • Sorry for the slow reply. Although I have done some analysis of the Middle East, I am reluctant to do so. It invariably comes up as “volatile.” That said, now that we are in December, you have your answer. With Quaddafi gone, and now Kim Jong Il, we have turned a corner. Where this will go remains to be seen. But, I suspect those were necessary preludes to the events of 2012. Whether or not we will get NEW dictators, or whether peoples will move themselves into a more democratic government, remains to be seen.


  4. very interesting post..thanx for the post..


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