Astrology for New Year 2009, Part 1

December 29, 2008 at 1:40 pm | Posted in Astrology, Predictions | 4 Comments
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The New Year asks us a few things and tells us some.

It asks us:

  1. Do you realize that what you say is what you will grow?  The stories you tell your friends this year will benefit, or haunt, you for years to come.
  2. Do you know what you need to know to improve your health?
  3. Are you in touch with your dreams?
  4. Do you know (a) who can help you make your dreams happen? and (b) who would hold you back and cheat you from achieving your goals?
  5. Do you know who is wasting your time and energy?
  6. Do you know how to best use your time and abilities to give back to the community?

Also, 2009 tells us:

  1. Whether it is Obama or someone else, we need to handle the large banks the way the phone company was handled in the 1980s: they need to be broken into smaller regional banks and made accountable to the people.
  2. Large corporations will engage in massive deception to keep us from seeing the truth: the real power is in the people, small business, and (at the biggest) regional organizations.
  3. The health care system, ESPECIALLY mental health, is overdue for an overhaul.  We continue to ignore the problems at our peril.
  4. Crime will be rampant, especially fraud and crimes based on deceit.
  5. More than any other year in recent times, this will be a year to get in touch with our educational needs, health needs, legal issues, dreams, intuitive abilities, and abilities to heal by teaching others.

Many of the forecasts on this blog focus on identifying potholes in the road ahead. Good news is available; read it here.

Interactions between Mercury, Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune will be important in 2009, and they will bring us a chance to heal from the difficulties of 2008. But, we will have to guard against false hopes and deception. Even so, we may be given a glimpse of what we are truly capable of being.

Assuming you just read that analysis, let me expand upon it further. The bad news is that Jupiter will no longer soften the effect of Pluto in Capricorn. The good news is that Jupiter will not amplify the effect of Pluto in Capricorn. Instead, Jupiter moving into Aquarius means that Jupiter will interact with Neptune and Chiron to bring a major shift in how we “do business.” Speaking of “Business,” that field is ruled by both Jupiter and Saturn. If Saturn is the source of power for those who benefit from “bear markets,” then Jupiter is the source for those who favor “bull markets.”

Jupiter is saying what is coming to fore in the political world: growth will no longer come from larger corporations who continue to merge into larger corporations. The monoculture of giant, megalithic corporations will only continue to concentrate wealth for a few, leaving the rest of us to suffer. Jupiter is saying that our collective strength will come from recognizing the power of “the people.”

In the past, Democrats were known as “Trust Busters.” Will it happen now? Instead of bailing out the huge banks who have made bad decisions, will we break them up into smaller entities? Will we awaken to the idea that we need to restore power to regional and community banks? Or will we continue to “bail out” banks so they can have junkets on corporate jets and charge the citizenry 30% interest on credit cards?

To be sure, as mentioned in the other article, Mercury will have important interactions with Jupiter. That will be true for other planets, notably Venus, but that’s a topic for another article.

Jupiter transits into Aquarius on January 5th, during the shadow of the Mercury Retrograde. Mercury is Stationary Retrograde January 11th, which makes accomplishment difficult. Many businesses and institutions do not reopen until January 5th, after the holiday. Broadly speaking, they’ll be “in for a surprise,” as we sometimes say here in Dallas.

More on 2009 in Part 2.


  1. sorry to bump you from alpha inventions but you probably saw it coming as an astrologer!


    • Which, of course, is why I re-submitted!


  2. Uhhm, isn’t Pluto in Capricorn?


  3. Yep. Pluto is in Cap. Corrected. Hats off to Mercury, and the upcoming retrograde.


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