The Mayan Dream

October 4, 2012 at 6:21 pm | Posted in Astrology | Comments Off on The Mayan Dream

This afternoon, I had an opportunity to take a (long overdue) nap.  After a few hours of dozing, I awoke to an intense and vivid dream.  I dreamed that I was someone a bit like a consultant, to a group of people preparing to travel to South America.

In the dream, the central topic of the discussion was something that seemed like it was from “Raiders of the Lost Ark.”  The question had to do with how to translate an inscription.  And, the inscription was Mayan and directly addressed the question of the upcoming Winter’s Solstice of 2012.

The point, in the dream, was that the inscription had been incorrectly transcribed.  The group was traveling to a particular place, as were other groups.  But, as things turned out, this group would have the correct transcription.

As I awoke, a scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark sprang to mind.  In it, the heroes are racing against time.  The Nazi’s have a copy of the medallion burned into the hand of one of theirs.  They have translated from the wound, and are digging at a particular location.  But, the heroes have the actual medallion.  Turning it over, they look at the back.  And there they find “Subtract one….”  The Nazi’s are digging in the wrong place.

Hope you are not a Nazi.  Would not want you digging in the wrong place.

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